Southgate Amateur Radio News for Saturday 4 February 2012
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Southgate Amateur Radio News RSS Feed
2012-02-04 11:27:31 UTC
Southgate Amateur Radio News RSS Feed

IARU Special WRC Report No. 2


Rod Stafford W6ROD, Secretary International Amateur Radio Union, has
released a further report on WRC-12 taking place in Geneva

K1JT addresses World Radiocommunication Conference


Professor Joe Taylor, amateur radio operator K1JT and 1993 Nobel laureate
in physics, briefly addressed the plenary session of the 2012 ITU World
Radiocommunication Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, on February 3, 2012

Khartoum Amateur Radio Satellite Ground Station


Students at the University of Khartoum are undertaking a CubeSat project
KN-SAT1 and Nader, ST2NH has made a video of their recently completed
ground station

Wythall Radio Rally 11th March 2012


Wythall Radio Club will be holding their 27th Annual Radio Rally on Sunday
11th March at Woodrush Sports Centre, Shawhurst Lane, Hollywood,
Birmingham, B47 5JW

Scotland to Australia with 5 Watts via long path


A video posted on Youtube shows Callum, 2M0CYG in Scotland working a
station in Australia using just 5 watts

DCC - Amateur Radio Emergency Communications


Curt Bartholomew N3GQ of the FCC gave a talk to the 2011 TAPR Digital
Communications Conference about using digital modes in Amateur Radio Emcomm

ARISS contact planned with technical college in Poland


On Saturday February 4, 2012 at approximately 12.41 UTC, which is 13.41
CEWT, an educational ARISS contact is planned with the Polytechnic school
in Walbrzych, Poland

United Nations recommends IRESC for Special Status, one above the IARU


On the session’s third day, NGO Committee Recommends 15 Organizations for
Special Consultative Status with Economic and Social Council, Postpones
Action on 45

Propagation de K7RA


Here are some yearly averages this bulletin neglected at the beginning of
the year

New rules for 5 MHz (60 meters) to go into effect March 5


On November 18, the FCC released a Report and Order, defining new rules for
the 60 meter (5 MHz) band

3.4 GHz in Electronic Communications Committee Newsletter


The February edition of the free ECC newsletter features an article on
mobile broadband in 3.4-3.8 GHz

DX News from the ARRL


The American Radio Relay League's round-up of the forthcoming week's DX

Amateur Radio World Castles Award


WCA and DMHP pedition CS4ODX/P from Forte do Negrito
2012-02-04 13:36:17 UTC
On Sat, 4 Feb 2012 06:27:31 EST, Southgate Amateur Radio News RSS Feed
Post by Southgate Amateur Radio News RSS Feed
A video posted on Youtube shows Callum, 2M0CYG in Scotland working a
station in Australia using just 5 watts
Whatever his grade of callsign, that's not bad.
2012-02-04 14:04:33 UTC
Post by l***@eternal-flames.gov
On Sat, 4 Feb 2012 06:27:31 EST, Southgate Amateur Radio News RSS Feed
Post by Southgate Amateur Radio News RSS Feed
A video posted on Youtube shows Callum, 2M0CYG in Scotland working a
station in Australia using just 5 watts
Whatever his grade of callsign, that's not bad.
"Scotland to Australia with 5 Watts via long path

A video posted on Youtube shows Callum, 2M0YCG in Scotland working a
station in Australia using just 5 watts.

YouTube description reads:

This is me speaking to Paul VK4MA. Paul was beaming Long Path to
Europe (unknown to me before our QSO) a distance of 23103 Km.

As you can see in the video I was using my usual setup - A Yaesu
FT-817ND running 5 Watts into my Cobwebb Antenna (fed with RG58) @
about 7 Metres above the ground and a LDG Z-817Auto ATU. Although it
took me about 20 calls hi hi...Paul managed to pick my signal out the
QRN/pileup. "

Anyone know what band this was on? The You Tube video was not well
focussed, and the band used isn't mentioned in the write-up. ICBA to
view the whole thing just to find this minor piece of information, if
indeed it's mentioned at all.
2012-02-04 14:32:48 UTC
Post by Spike
Anyone know what band this was on? The You Tube video was not well
focussed, and the band used isn't mentioned in the write-up. ICBA to
view the whole thing just to find this minor piece of information, if
indeed it's mentioned at all.
Looks like it might be 14.2 something. (235?)
2012-02-04 14:34:34 UTC
Post by Spike
Anyone know what band this was on? The You Tube video was not well
focussed, and the band used isn't mentioned in the write-up. ICBA to
view the whole thing just to find this minor piece of information, if
indeed it's mentioned at all.
It's not well focussed but you can clearly see the display showing
14.1?? during the first few seconds of the video. In fact it could be
14.195 but there isn't the background cacophony of jungle noises,
grunting, squeaking, baboon calls, carriers, tones and general pishing
about that accompanies operation on that frequency. ;-)

You're right that it doesn't say which band was used. If the QSO is
worthy of reporting then it omitting essential information is annoying.
But not as annoying as ending the article with "73's". Or saying
"operator name here is" when "my name is" is shorter and clearer.
Ian Jackson
2012-02-04 14:45:28 UTC
Post by mm0fmf
Post by Spike
Anyone know what band this was on? The You Tube video was not well
focussed, and the band used isn't mentioned in the write-up. ICBA to
view the whole thing just to find this minor piece of information, if
indeed it's mentioned at all.
It's not well focussed but you can clearly see the display showing
14.1?? during the first few seconds of the video. In fact it could be
14.195 but there isn't the background cacophony of jungle noises,
grunting, squeaking, baboon calls, carriers, tones and general pishing
about that accompanies operation on that frequency. ;-)
I was also going to ask what the frequency was (a glaring omission). To
be honest, I simply can't make out what the display says.
Post by mm0fmf
You're right that it doesn't say which band was used. If the QSO is
worthy of reporting then it omitting essential information is annoying.
But not as annoying as ending the article with "73's". Or saying
"operator name here is" when "my name is" is shorter and clearer.
It wasn't 10m, was it (as this has recently been pretty lively)? If so,
that would explain the lack of the usual 14.195MHz rubbish.
2012-02-04 14:59:21 UTC
Post by Ian Jackson
Post by mm0fmf
Post by Spike
Anyone know what band this was on? The You Tube video was not well
focussed, and the band used isn't mentioned in the write-up. ICBA to
view the whole thing just to find this minor piece of information, if
indeed it's mentioned at all.
It's not well focussed but you can clearly see the display showing
14.1?? during the first few seconds of the video. In fact it could be
14.195 but there isn't the background cacophony of jungle noises,
grunting, squeaking, baboon calls, carriers, tones and general pishing
about that accompanies operation on that frequency. ;-)
I was also going to ask what the frequency was (a glaring omission). To
be honest, I simply can't make out what the display says.
Me neither...blurry eyes and even blurrier video aren't a good
combination :-(
2012-02-04 16:07:38 UTC
"Spike" <***@S&T.invalid> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...
| Ian Jackson wrote:
| >In message <SlbXq.91959$***@newsfe28.ams2>, mm0fmf
| ><***@mailinator.com> writes
| >>Spike wrote:
| >>> Anyone know what band this was on?
| Me neither...blurry eyes and even blurrier video aren't a good
| combination :-(
| --
| Spike

You should have borrowed Franks glasses

The video would have bean even blurrier
2012-02-04 16:18:39 UTC
| >
| >>>Anyone know what band this was on?
| Me neither...blurry eyes and even blurrier video aren't a good
| combination :-(
You should have borrowed Franks glasses
The video would have bean even blurrier
I tried a couple of scotches but unfortunately it didn't help get
things into focus ;-)
2012-02-04 19:07:43 UTC
Post by Spike
I tried a couple of scotches but unfortunately it didn't help get
things into focus ;-)
If you're really bored, try saving out a few frames of the video,
splitting the RGB channels in Photoshop or PSP etc, then recombining
the best and overlaying into a grey scale blow-up.

Still bleedin' difficult to read, but it'll kill a couple of hours.
2012-02-05 08:14:06 UTC
Post by l***@eternal-flames.gov
Post by Spike
I tried a couple of scotches but unfortunately it didn't help get
things into focus ;-)
If you're really bored, try saving out a few frames of the video,
splitting the RGB channels in Photoshop or PSP etc, then recombining
the best and overlaying into a grey scale blow-up.
Still bleedin' difficult to read, but it'll kill a couple of hours.

If only the band in question had been mentioned up front...
Thermionic Onion
2012-02-04 19:43:03 UTC
I make it 14.193Mhz.
2012-02-05 02:01:54 UTC
Post by Thermionic Onion
I make it 14.193Mhz.
Looks like 14.195.30Mhz.
Thermionic Onion
2012-02-04 15:14:03 UTC
Looks like 14.193/14.195Mhz.
james stewart
2012-02-04 19:23:17 UTC
27.555 ? .......
FranK Turner-Smith G3VKI
2012-02-06 16:54:28 UTC
Post by james stewart
27.555 ? .......
144.48 ?
73 de Frank Turner-Smith G3VKI - mine's a pint.
james stewart
2012-02-05 08:47:35 UTC
Post by mm0fmf
But not as annoying as ending the article with "73's". Or saying
"operator name here is" when "my name is" is shorter and clearer.
Wow he only called 20 times .....
Fred Roberts
2012-02-05 13:16:55 UTC
Post by james stewart
Post by mm0fmf
But not as annoying as ending the article with "73's". Or saying
"operator name here is" when "my name is" is shorter and clearer.
Wow he only called 20 times .....
What silky smooth operating skills! A testament to the RSGB's
"progressive no incentive based taught by cb'ers fuckwittery licence
scheme" no less. One other thing, does no one ever tell these twats that
calling and stating you are qrp is akin to begging for a qso?
2012-02-05 13:31:52 UTC
Post by Fred Roberts
Post by james stewart
Post by mm0fmf
But not as annoying as ending the article with "73's". Or saying
"operator name here is" when "my name is" is shorter and clearer.
Wow he only called 20 times .....
What silky smooth operating skills! A testament to the RSGB's
"progressive no incentive based taught by cb'ers fuckwittery licence
scheme" no less. One other thing, does no one ever tell these twats that
calling and stating you are qrp is akin to begging for a qso?
Where as running QRO is akin to queue barging! :-;
Ian Jackson
2012-02-05 15:44:27 UTC
Post by Len GM0ONX
Post by Fred Roberts
Post by james stewart
Post by mm0fmf
But not as annoying as ending the article with "73's". Or saying
"operator name here is" when "my name is" is shorter and clearer.
Wow he only called 20 times .....
What silky smooth operating skills! A testament to the RSGB's
"progressive no incentive based taught by cb'ers fuckwittery licence
scheme" no less. One other thing, does no one ever tell these twats that
calling and stating you are qrp is akin to begging for a qso?
Where as running QRO is akin to queue barging! :-;
Well, it's obvious that those with the strongest signals are those who
tend to get replied to. A 'QRP hint' might just result in the other
station listening a bit more carefully for your signal (even if he has
first to do a "QRZ the QRP station?" in the hope of temporarily
silencing the big boys). Of course, underhanded QRO stations might also
use this ploy in order gain a sneaky advantage.
2012-02-05 15:48:12 UTC
Post by Ian Jackson
Post by Len GM0ONX
Post by Fred Roberts
Post by james stewart
Post by mm0fmf
But not as annoying as ending the article with "73's". Or saying
"operator name here is" when "my name is" is shorter and clearer.
Wow he only called 20 times .....
What silky smooth operating skills! A testament to the RSGB's
"progressive no incentive based taught by cb'ers fuckwittery licence
scheme" no less. One other thing, does no one ever tell these twats that
calling and stating you are qrp is akin to begging for a qso?
Where as running QRO is akin to queue barging! :-;
Well, it's obvious that those with the strongest signals are those who
tend to get replied to. A 'QRP hint' might just result in the other
station listening a bit more carefully for your signal (even if he has
first to do a "QRZ the QRP station?" in the hope of temporarily
silencing the big boys). Of course, underhanded QRO stations might also
use this ploy in order gain a sneaky advantage.
Perfectly true, just as some underhanded amateurs will run more than
their legal limit. Nothing like the chance of rare DX to bring out the
bad in some folk! :-)
james stewart
2012-02-05 16:12:08 UTC
Post by Len GM0ONX
Perfectly true, just as some underhanded amateurs will run more than
their legal limit. Nothing like the chance of rare DX to bring out the bad
in some folk! :-)
...like the big farmer...plenty of bad there.....
Brian Reay.
2012-02-05 17:17:46 UTC
Post by Ian Jackson
Post by Len GM0ONX
Post by Fred Roberts
Post by james stewart
Post by mm0fmf
But not as annoying as ending the article with "73's". Or saying
"operator name here is" when "my name is" is shorter and clearer.
Wow he only called 20 times .....
What silky smooth operating skills! A testament to the RSGB's
"progressive no incentive based taught by cb'ers fuckwittery licence
scheme" no less. One other thing, does no one ever tell these twats that
calling and stating you are qrp is akin to begging for a qso?
Where as running QRO is akin to queue barging! :-;
Well, it's obvious that those with the strongest signals are those who
tend to get replied to. A 'QRP hint' might just result in the other
station listening a bit more carefully for your signal (even if he has
first to do a "QRZ the QRP station?" in the hope of temporarily
silencing the big boys). Of course, underhanded QRO stations might also
use this ploy in order gain a sneaky advantage.
Perfectly true, just as some underhanded amateurs will run more than their
legal limit. Nothing like the chance of rare DX to bring out the bad in
some folk! :-)
Using "QRP" after one's call has been established practice for years, as
Frank should know. As usual he is just having a go at newcomers.

It is perfectly legal (unlike some claim).

Perhaps Frank lacks the skill to operate QRP and feels the need to have go
at QRP operators and he does suffer power envy- remember his tantrum over EI
getting more power.

(I will only mention in passing his bad language- tut tut, hardly the
language of someone who pretends to have standards. Of course Charlie will
approve as it adds "colour" or some such.)
Ian Jackson
2012-02-05 19:23:13 UTC
Post by Brian Reay.
Using "QRP" after one's call has been established practice for years, as
Frank should know. As usual he is just having a go at newcomers.
It is perfectly legal (unlike some claim).
I don't think you you'll find "/QRP" mentioned in your licence, but it
certainly is a transgression which doesn't really do anyone any harm.

Mind you. when I were a lad, the PO/MPT/HO were sticklers for enforcing
the correct ands full format of a callsign. For example, I distinctly
remember a warning in The Bull that certain amateurs had been
reprimanded for using (say) "double-A B" instead of the correct "A A B",
and others for omitting the prefix.
Dan Ankers MD1CLV
2012-02-05 20:55:54 UTC
On Sun, 5 Feb 2012 19:23:13 +0000, Ian Jackson
Post by Ian Jackson
Post by Brian Reay.
Using "QRP" after one's call has been established practice for years, as
Frank should know. As usual he is just having a go at newcomers.
It is perfectly legal (unlike some claim).
I don't think you you'll find "/QRP" mentioned in your licence, but it
certainly is a transgression which doesn't really do anyone any harm.
There's a recommendation that certain suffixes be used in certain
circumstances, but nothing to say that other suffixes would be

Dan MD1CLV/Couch
Brian Reay.
2012-02-05 21:30:18 UTC
Post by Dan Ankers MD1CLV
There's a recommendation that certain suffixes be used in certain
circumstances, but nothing to say that other suffixes would be

Provided the callsign is given, with (when they WERE required) the necessary
/A etc adding QRP etc was never illegal.
Ian Jackson
2012-02-05 21:52:18 UTC
Post by Brian Reay.
Post by Dan Ankers MD1CLV
There's a recommendation that certain suffixes be used in certain
circumstances, but nothing to say that other suffixes would be
Provided the callsign is given, with (when they WERE required) the necessary
/A etc adding QRP etc was never illegal.
Oh, quite. While some QRP stations actually do use the suffix "/QRP",
2M0YCG does not. After his callsign, he simply says "QRP". It's VK4MA
who gives him the suffix "slash QRP".
Fred Roberts
2012-02-05 22:22:05 UTC
Post by Ian Jackson
Oh, quite. While some QRP stations actually do use the suffix "/QRP",
2M0YCG does not. After his callsign, he simply says "QRP". It's VK4MA
who gives him the suffix "slash QRP".
Don't point out the bleedin' obvious to Brian for goodness sake, I like
watching him post drivel..
2012-02-06 07:31:29 UTC
On Sun, 5 Feb 2012 21:52:18 +0000, Ian Jackson
Post by Ian Jackson
Oh, quite. While some QRP stations actually do use the suffix "/QRP",
2M0YCG does not. After his callsign, he simply says "QRP". It's VK4MA
who gives him the suffix "slash QRP".
I don't have any problem with that. Back in the 70s/80s I used to
make a point of listening for stations doing so - particularly on CW.
I've even reduced my RF down to see how good their receiving set-up
was. Anybody can work QRO.
2012-02-06 19:07:21 UTC
Post by l***@eternal-flames.gov
I don't have any problem with that. Back in the 70s/80s I used to
make a point of listening for stations doing so - particularly on CW.
I've even reduced my RF down to see how good their receiving set-up
was. Anybody can work QRO.

Just as anyone can "work" (sic) QRP! All it takes is a turn on the
power control knob and wind the power down. I've done it many times
when working VK/ZL, going down to 1 or 2 watts from 400 just see how
the other guy gets me and usually getting a decent report. The answer
lies in the antenna of course.

What I don't hear of is a 1 watt + dipole station in the UK working a
1 watt + dipole in VK or ZL. Usually there's a QRO (100W +) at one end
and often a yagi as well).

Some (and I repeat some) QRPers seem to think they are a race apart
and better than the rest of us, in the same way vegetarians and "green
power" users think they are something special ;-)

Chaque un a son gout Nick :-)

Limpo ...
2012-02-06 19:14:54 UTC
Post by jacksparrow
Some (and I repeat some) QRPers seem to think they are a race apart
and better than the rest of us, in the same way vegetarians and "green
power" users think they are something special ;-)
It is just the human condition.........
Ian Jackson
2012-02-06 19:25:42 UTC
Post by jacksparrow
Chaque un a son gout Nick :-)
Which, when it flares up, can be extremely painful.
Brian Morrison
2012-02-06 21:12:48 UTC
On Mon, 6 Feb 2012 19:07:21 +0000 (UTC)
Post by jacksparrow
What I don't hear of is a 1 watt + dipole station in the UK working a
1 watt + dipole in VK or ZL. Usually there's a QRO (100W +) at one end
and often a yagi as well).
Well unless you have enough in hand to cope with a 20-25dB reduction in
signal level then inevitably signals will be likely to disappear into
the noise. Sometimes signals are good enough over a long path for QRP
to be viable, sometimes not.
Brian Morrison

"Sir Henry's brother Hubert, in his mid-forties and still unusual,
rolled his eyes like dice and came up with an unlucky 13."
Jimbo ...
2012-02-05 19:32:25 UTC
Post by Brian Reay.
Perhaps Frank lacks the skill to operate QRP and feels the need to have go
at QRP operators and he does suffer power envy- remember his tantrum over
EI getting more power.
(I will only mention in passing his bad language- tut tut, hardly the
language of someone who pretends to have standards. Of course Charlie will
approve as it adds "colour" or some such.)
childish and puerile post ........
2012-02-05 21:58:00 UTC
Post by Brian Reay.
Perhaps Frank lacks the skill to operate QRP and feels the need to have go
at QRP operators and he does suffer power envy- remember his tantrum over EI
getting more power.
IMHO the skill rests entirely with the person receiving the QRP
station and not with the QRP operator.

I really object when someone signing <callsign>/QRP calls a DX
station as if that should grant him special treatment....


(Unashamedly 400 watts .. with no TVI... on all bands 160-10)
Brian Reay
2012-02-05 22:12:03 UTC
Post by Brian Reay.
Post by Brian Reay.
Perhaps Frank lacks the skill to operate QRP and feels the need to
have go
Post by Brian Reay.
at QRP operators and he does suffer power envy- remember his tantrum
over EI
Post by Brian Reay.
getting more power.
IMHO the skill rests entirely with the person receiving the QRP
station and not with the QRP operator.
I really object when someone signing <callsign>/QRP calls a DX
station as if that should grant him special treatment....
(Unashamedly 400 watts .. with no TVI... on all bands 160-10)
Do you feel the need to measure everything to make yourself feel "bigger"?
Jimbo ...
2012-02-05 22:15:57 UTC
Post by Brian Reay
Post by jacksparrow
(Unashamedly 400 watts .. with no TVI... on all bands 160-10)
Do you feel the need to measure everything to make yourself feel "bigger"?
anybody is bigger than an M3 .......like you
Fred Roberts
2012-02-05 22:25:42 UTC
Post by Brian Reay
Post by jacksparrow
(Unashamedly 400 watts .. with no TVI... on all bands 160-10)
Do you feel the need to measure everything to make yourself feel "bigger"?
Well your wigs certainly bigger than most.
Jimbo ...
2012-02-05 22:26:45 UTC
Post by Fred Roberts
Post by Brian Reay
Post by jacksparrow
(Unashamedly 400 watts .. with no TVI... on all bands 160-10)
Do you feel the need to measure everything to make yourself feel "bigger"?
Well your wigs certainly bigger than most.
...and his belly
Jimbo ...
2012-02-05 22:13:00 UTC
Post by jacksparrow
IMHO the skill rests entirely with the person receiving the QRP
station and not with the QRP operator.
I always thank them for the use of their antennas and power ......
Fred Roberts
2012-02-05 22:24:36 UTC
Post by jacksparrow
IMHO the skill rests entirely with the person receiving the QRP
station and not with the QRP operator.
You are absolutely correct.
Post by jacksparrow
I really object when someone signing<callsign>/QRP calls a DX
station as if that should grant him special treatment....
Spot on. As I said, identifying yourself as running qrp before
establishing contact and exchanging reports is begging.
Ian Jackson
2012-02-05 22:31:12 UTC
Post by Fred Roberts
Post by jacksparrow
IMHO the skill rests entirely with the person receiving the QRP
station and not with the QRP operator.
You are absolutely correct.
Post by jacksparrow
I really object when someone signing<callsign>/QRP calls a DX
station as if that should grant him special treatment....
Spot on. As I said, identifying yourself as running qrp before
establishing contact and exchanging reports is begging.
Don't knock it till you've tried it.
Fred Roberts
2012-02-05 23:00:31 UTC
Post by Ian Jackson
Post by Fred Roberts
Spot on. As I said, identifying yourself as running qrp before
establishing contact and exchanging reports is begging.
Don't knock it till you've tried it.
I have been known to call "CQ QRP" (in CW Brian) but never to sign as
/QRP and I have in the past fallen foul to DX stations giving preference
in the pileup to those signing as /QRP when they obviously weren't.
Recently I received a direct request from a Swedish station with
individual cards for each band I had worked him on asking me for
individual cards for confirmation and requesting that I identify him as
SM5***/QRP, I was happy to do so.
2012-02-06 07:24:52 UTC
On Sun, 5 Feb 2012 22:31:12 +0000, Ian Jackson
Post by Ian Jackson
Don't knock it till you've tried it.
That's what they say about bleedin' Morris Dancing.
Ian Jackson
2012-02-06 08:37:24 UTC
Post by l***@eternal-flames.gov
On Sun, 5 Feb 2012 22:31:12 +0000, Ian Jackson
Post by Ian Jackson
Don't knock it till you've tried it.
That's what they say about bleedin' Morris Dancing.
I'm looking forward to this being on TV.
I expect it's the English version of "Riverdance - The Real Story".
It looks fun!
2012-02-06 10:57:32 UTC
On Mon, 6 Feb 2012 08:37:24 +0000, Ian Jackson
Post by Ian Jackson
Post by l***@eternal-flames.gov
On Sun, 5 Feb 2012 22:31:12 +0000, Ian Jackson
Post by Ian Jackson
Don't knock it till you've tried it.
That's what they say about bleedin' Morris Dancing.
I'm looking forward to this being on TV.
I expect it's the English version of "Riverdance - The Real Story".
It looks fun!
First I've seen of that, Ian. Should be a laugh. Must get a hold of
the DVD.
Ian Jackson
2012-02-06 16:28:54 UTC
Post by l***@eternal-flames.gov
On Mon, 6 Feb 2012 08:37:24 +0000, Ian Jackson
Post by Ian Jackson
Post by l***@eternal-flames.gov
On Sun, 5 Feb 2012 22:31:12 +0000, Ian Jackson
Post by Ian Jackson
Don't knock it till you've tried it.
That's what they say about bleedin' Morris Dancing.
I'm looking forward to this being on TV.
I expect it's the English version of "Riverdance - The Real Story".
It looks fun!
First I've seen of that, Ian. Should be a laugh. Must get a hold of
the DVD.
I've been toying with the same idea myself - and it's my birthday next
FranK Turner-Smith G3VKI
2012-02-06 16:47:02 UTC
Post by Ian Jackson
I've been toying with the same idea myself - and it's my birthday next
Cor! So's mine.
73 de Frank Turner-Smith G3VKI - mine's a pint.
lIMBO ...
2012-02-06 17:10:49 UTC
Post by Ian Jackson
I've been toying with the same idea myself - and it's my birthday next
That is known as doing a Johnney ....
2012-02-07 09:00:12 UTC
...it's my birthday next month.
AOL to that. Mine's on a saint's day :-(
Ian Jackson
2012-02-07 09:09:31 UTC
Post by Spike
...it's my birthday next month.
AOL to that. Mine's on a saint's day :-(
To be sure, to be sure, mine's on one too, begorragh - but I can't say
that that has ever affected me in any way.
2012-02-07 09:24:16 UTC
Post by Ian Jackson
Post by Spike
...it's my birthday next month.
AOL to that. Mine's on a saint's day :-(
To be sure, to be sure, mine's on one too, begorragh - but I can't say
that that has ever affected me in any way.
Bejaysus, we've got the same birthday, so we do!
2012-02-07 10:42:40 UTC
Post by Spike
...it's my birthday next month.
AOL to that. Mine's on a saint's day :-(
Mine is on a St. Nick's (there are more than one of them).

Fred Roberts
2012-02-05 22:20:18 UTC
Post by Brian Reay.
Using "QRP" after one's call has been established practice for years, as
Frank should know. As usual he is just having a go at newcomers.
It is frowned upon by the QRP community which you as a member of the
G-QRP club you should know, but then as a recent blow in to the club and
HF operation you're just demonstrated once again your utter cluelessness.
Post by Brian Reay.
It is perfectly legal (unlike some claim).
Perhaps you'd be good enough to point me to where in the licence it
recommends to append /qrp to ones callsign especially if one is a FL
twat running 10w (ha!) which is not QRP.
Post by Brian Reay.
Perhaps Frank lacks the skill to operate QRP and feels the need to have go
at QRP operators and he does suffer power envy
Really Brian? I've been a member of the G-QRP club for decades and for a
long time I ran an entirely home brewed QRP station, you might also want
to check where I finished and what DX I worked as a QRP entrant (5w out)
in a recent major contest. So tell the group Brian how long exactly
you've been a member of the G-QRP club and please feel free to embellish
the story with tales of your DX prowess.
Post by Brian Reay.
remember his tantrum over EI getting more power.
You have me confused with Len. I posted the info and Len had the
tantrum, pretty pointless really as I know, you know and Len knows that
QRO is on the cards for the UK. Maybe you should up your medication a tad?
Post by Brian Reay.
(I will only mention in passing his bad language- tut tut, hardly the
language of someone who pretends to have standards. Of course Charlie will
approve as it adds "colour" or some such.)
Goody two shoes Brian speaks again. A verbal angel on the group but foul
mouthed when recording telephone conversations.
Jimbo ...
2012-02-05 22:26:02 UTC
Post by Fred Roberts
Really Brian? I've been a member of the G-QRP club for decades and for a
long time I ran an entirely home brewed QRP station, you might also want
to check where I finished and what DX I worked as a QRP entrant (5w out)
in a recent major contest. So tell the group Brian how long exactly you've
been a member of the G-QRP club and please feel free to embellish the
story with tales of your DX prowess.
you sock it to that fat baldy egotistical M3/G8 ...good man ........you are
worth a hundred of him......
Fred Roberts
2012-02-05 22:44:25 UTC
Post by Jimbo ...
you sock it to that fat baldy egotistical M3/G8 ...good man ........you are
worth a hundred of him......
So are you Jimbo *AND* you drive cool cars.
2012-02-06 08:39:46 UTC
Why don't you just ignore him Fred and deprive him of his sad pleasure. You
must know he only posts here in order to wind up someone or other.

Not only that, when you quote him I get to see he is still making his silly
digs at me :-)

Sales @ radiowymsey
Jimbo ...
2012-02-06 09:21:08 UTC
Post by Turbal
Why don't you just ignore him Fred and deprive him of his sad pleasure. You
must know he only posts here in order to wind up someone or other.
Not only that, when you quote him I get to see he is still making his silly
digs at me :-)
but since the Court case we can now brand his posts as being "childish and
puerile"...we just can't ignore the official ruling can we ? ....
Fred Roberts
2012-02-06 10:44:06 UTC
Post by Jimbo ...
but since the Court case we can now brand his posts as being "childish and
puerile"...we just can't ignore the official ruling can we ? ....
Every post he makes confirms the courts opinion.
2012-02-06 10:38:07 UTC
Post by Turbal
Why don't you just ignore him Fred
Indeed. Even those few words will give the little cretin a buzz
because he's again the centre of attention, exactly where he wants to

/me goes back to playing with WSPR.
Radio glossary #35
Good DX: Australia on a yagi or the next street on a miracle whip.
2012-02-06 10:54:25 UTC
Post by Chronos
/me goes back to playing with WSPR.
It'll make you go blind. :-)
2012-02-06 10:59:05 UTC
Post by l***@eternal-flames.gov
Post by Chronos
/me goes back to playing with WSPR.
It'll make you go blind. :-)
No - you're confusing WSPR with WNKR
2012-02-06 13:28:39 UTC
Post by John
Post by l***@eternal-flames.gov
Post by Chronos
/me goes back to playing with WSPR.
It'll make you go blind. :-)
No - you're confusing WSPR with WNKR
What? Special Reserve Wood alcohol. AKA bathtub Vodka.
No. It's blindness it causes. ;-)
2012-02-06 14:40:40 UTC
<***@eternal-flames.gov> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...
| On Mon, 6 Feb 2012 10:59:05 -0000, in uk.radio.amateur you wrote:
| >
| ><***@eternal-flames.gov> wrote
| >>
| >>>/me goes back to playing with WSPR.
| >>
| >> It'll make you go blind. :-)
| >
| >No - you're confusing WSPR with WNKR
| What? Special Reserve Wood alcohol. AKA bathtub Vodka.
| No. It's blindness it causes. ;-)

I thought that was Screech from Malta back in the sixties

Couldn't find any in my recent last visit

Marks and Spencer's is located in Strait Street

Wart will know "that street" as "The Gut" so I'm reliably informed
Brian Morrison
2012-02-06 21:14:22 UTC
On Mon, 06 Feb 2012 13:28:39 +0000
Post by l***@eternal-flames.gov
Post by John
Post by l***@eternal-flames.gov
Post by Chronos
/me goes back to playing with WSPR.
It'll make you go blind. :-)
No - you're confusing WSPR with WNKR
What? Special Reserve Wood alcohol. AKA bathtub Vodka.
No. It's blindness it causes. ;-)
Quite unlike poteen of course...
Brian Morrison

"Sir Henry's brother Hubert, in his mid-forties and still unusual,
rolled his eyes like dice and came up with an unlucky 13."
Jimbo ...
2012-02-06 12:31:35 UTC
Post by l***@eternal-flames.gov
Post by Chronos
/me goes back to playing with WSPR.
It'll make you go blind. :-)
wot? ... all that chocolate? .......
Fred Roberts
2012-02-06 10:42:50 UTC
Post by Turbal
Why don't you just ignore him Fred and deprive him of his sad pleasure. You
must know he only posts here in order to wind up someone or other.
I know Charlie but I also that every time I or someone else humiliates
him it's another blow to the crumbling edifice (orifice?) of Reay World.
Post by Turbal
Not only that, when you quote him I get to see he is still making his silly
digs at me :-)
His ego won't allow him to concede that anyone could possibly killfile
him, he's still taking digs at Matt as well.
2012-02-06 10:59:21 UTC
Post by Fred Roberts
Post by Turbal
Why don't you just ignore him Fred and deprive him of his sad pleasure. You
must know he only posts here in order to wind up someone or other.
I know Charlie but I also that every time I or someone else humiliates
him it's another blow to the crumbling edifice (orifice?) of Reay World.
Post by Turbal
Not only that, when you quote him I get to see he is still making his silly
digs at me :-)
His ego won't allow him to concede that anyone could possibly killfile
him, he's still taking digs at Matt as well.
As you know, in order to filter out the mindless FL rubbish that
apparently floods the group, I run on a watch filter, with a lower
priority catch-all kill filter Author:{.} Delete. As Reay isn't in my
watch list, his stuff goes in the bitbucket with all the rest caught
in the filter. All I see of him is when, thankfully rarely, someone
reposts his stuff.

I commend this approach to all...
Dan Ankers MD1CLV
2012-02-06 11:43:20 UTC
Post by Spike
As you know, in order to filter out the mindless FL rubbish that
apparently floods the group, I run on a watch filter, with a lower
priority catch-all kill filter Author:{.} Delete. As Reay isn't in my
watch list, his stuff goes in the bitbucket with all the rest caught
in the filter. All I see of him is when, thankfully rarely, someone
reposts his stuff.
I commend this approach to all...
It's a good approach, but how could new posters get onto your watch
list if everyone used your method?

I gave up on Google Groups because of the lack of filters, so I'm
currently just using a killfile. I do have plans to train a Bayesian
spam filter with what is signal vs. what is noise in this group (or my
opinion of what is signal and what is noise) and see how that works in
the long run.

Dan MD1CLV, aware of the fact that it this message might not be seen.
2012-02-06 12:16:07 UTC
Post by Dan Ankers MD1CLV
Post by Spike
As you know, in order to filter out the mindless FL rubbish that
apparently floods the group, I run on a watch filter, with a lower
priority catch-all kill filter Author:{.} Delete. As Reay isn't in my
watch list, his stuff goes in the bitbucket with all the rest caught
in the filter. All I see of him is when, thankfully rarely, someone
reposts his stuff.
I commend this approach to all...
It's a good approach, but how could new posters get onto your watch
list if everyone used your method?
I have to put them on.

What usually happens is that a new poster of the right calibre will be
replied to by one already on the watch list, so I will see that reply.
I can disable the kill filter and sample the appropriate number of
messages to get the original posting, add the info to the watch list,
re-enable the kill filter then engage Apply Filters to get rid of any
dross that was sampled. It sounds fiddly but is in reality just a few
mouse clicks.

It's not a perfect system, but it has the merit of catching the
nymshifters with no extra effort on my part.

If everyone used this system some other method would be needed to find
new posters, but this is a case where the anarchic nature of the group
has its benefits.
Post by Dan Ankers MD1CLV
I gave up on Google Groups because of the lack of filters, so I'm
currently just using a killfile. I do have plans to train a Bayesian
spam filter with what is signal vs. what is noise in this group (or my
opinion of what is signal and what is noise) and see how that works in
the long run.
The problem with that approach is the nymshifters.
Post by Dan Ankers MD1CLV
Dan MD1CLV, aware of the fact that it this message might not be seen.
Nope; it's there (or here, IYSWIM). Ian Jackson replied to a message
of yours and so your info was added to the watch list.
2012-02-06 11:27:42 UTC
Post by Fred Roberts
His ego won't allow him to concede that anyone could possibly
killfile him, he's still taking digs at Matt as well.
Ah, bless! I'm touched. The Vatican will probably cover this up, too

You know, I'm sure I had an eight pin DIN plug around here somewhere.
Why do Icom (and Kenwood) have to use those things for their ACC
ports? The '101 has RCAs for almost everything. Ah well, at least CiV
is standard TTL on a 3.5mm jack.

/me resumes the search for strange-arsed connectors and hacking Hamlib
and forgets all about the Kentish Bishopric.
Radio glossary #24
eBay: A place to spend more on secondhand goods than they would cost
brand new with a warranty.
Fred Roberts
2012-02-06 11:38:31 UTC
Post by Chronos
You know, I'm sure I had an eight pin DIN plug around here somewhere.
Why do Icom (and Kenwood) have to use those things for their ACC
ports? The '101 has RCAs for almost everything. Ah well, at least CiV
is standard TTL on a 3.5mm jack.
Mini D - now there's a right royal pain in the Kenwood arse..
Post by Chronos
/me resumes the search for strange-arsed connectors and hacking Hamlib
and forgets all about the Kentish Bishopric.
/me heavily involved in making sure amateur radio is well represented
during the upcoming Titanic 100 festival. I'll post all the details here
and elsewhere closer to the event but I can reveal that it's looking
good, very good.. :)
2012-02-06 11:50:40 UTC
Post by Fred Roberts
/me heavily involved in making sure amateur radio is well represented
during the upcoming Titanic 100 festival. I'll post all the details here
and elsewhere closer to the event but I can reveal that it's looking
good, very good.. :)
Looking forward to hearing what a spark gap generator sounds like!

Will there be two stations or more Fred?
Titanic & Carpathia ?
Fred Roberts
2012-02-06 12:50:11 UTC
Post by MM6AHJ
Looking forward to hearing what a spark gap generator sounds like!
Will there be two stations or more Fred?
Titanic& Carpathia ?
There will two big ones from the Belfast area and at this point in time
an unknown number from around the province. Specials will also be on
from Southampton, Cherbourg, Cobh and New York, the NewfoundLand Club
are aiming to be over the wreck site with a submersible down at the
wreck come the day. A number of Titanic museums around the globe will be
activated and of course you'll have a number of main land clubs that
have absolutely feck all to do with the Titanic using call signs that
really should have been issued to the province.

There's a lot I can't tell you just yet and a lot is still in the
planning stages with a lot of letters and emails to be written (and a
LOT have already been written), phone calls made and meetings attended.
2012-02-06 13:57:27 UTC
There will two big ones from the Belfast area and at this point in time an
unknown number from around the province. Specials will also be on from
Southampton, Cherbourg, Cobh and New York, the NewfoundLand Club are
aiming to be over the wreck site with a submersible down at the wreck come
the day. A number of Titanic museums around the globe will be activated
and of course you'll have a number of main land clubs that have absolutely
feck all to do with the Titanic using call signs that really should have
been issued to the province.
There's a lot I can't tell you just yet and a lot is still in the planning
stages with a lot of letters and emails to be written (and a LOT have
already been written), phone calls made and meetings attended.
The White Swan Hotel at Alnwick, Northumberland could be another location.
The dining room fittings and fixtures came from the Titanic's sister ship,
the Olympic as did the front revolving entrance door and the grand
Fred Roberts
2012-02-06 16:20:41 UTC
Post by John
The White Swan Hotel at Alnwick, Northumberland could be another location.
The dining room fittings and fixtures came from the Titanic's sister ship,
the Olympic as did the front revolving entrance door and the grand
Like I said, a number of main land clubs that have absolutely feck all
to do with the Titanic will be using call signs that really should have
been issued to the province. I think "bandwagon", "wannabes" and
"usurpers" are the kind of terms I'm looking for.
Brian Reay.
2012-02-06 16:35:59 UTC
Post by John
The White Swan Hotel at Alnwick, Northumberland could be another location.
The dining room fittings and fixtures came from the Titanic's sister ship,
the Olympic as did the front revolving entrance door and the grand
Like I said, a number of main land clubs that have absolutely feck all to
do with the Titanic will be using call signs that really should have
been issued to the province. I think "bandwagon", "wannabes" and
"usurpers" are the kind of terms I'm looking for.
On what basis you say the "call signs that really should have
been issued to the province"? Anyone has a RIGHT to apply for a special
event call sign. Just because someone was more organised doesn't make them a
"wannabe" or a "usurper".

Sounds like sour grapes to me.
Fred Roberts
2012-02-06 16:39:10 UTC
Post by Brian Reay.
Sounds like sour grapes to me.
Run along little man. You don't know what you're talking about.
Brian Reay.
2012-02-06 17:09:12 UTC
Post by Fred Roberts
Post by Brian Reay.
Sounds like sour grapes to me.
Run along little man. You don't know what you're talking about.
So, I was right then. I thought so. You are SO predictable.

You expect everything to be given to you.
Limbo ...
2012-02-06 17:12:41 UTC
Post by Brian Reay.
Post by Fred Roberts
Post by Brian Reay.
Sounds like sour grapes to me.
Run along little man. You don't know what you're talking about.
So, I was right then. I thought so. You are SO predictable.
You expect everything to be given to you.
...where is mine? ......
Limbo ...
2012-02-06 17:14:05 UTC
Post by Limbo ...
Post by Brian Reay.
So, I was right then. I thought so. You are SO predictable.
You expect everything to be given to you.
...where is mine? ......
no wait .....that was class "B"s on HF ...........and the FL ............
2012-02-06 21:40:20 UTC
Post by Brian Reay.
So, I was right then. I thought so.
I think we should let him win now and again, he might bog off then and play
in his garage - it must need tidying by now.

Sales @ radiowymsey
Lambo ...
2012-02-06 21:43:24 UTC
Post by Turbal
Post by Brian Reay.
So, I was right then. I thought so.
I think we should let him win now and again, he might bog off then and play
in his garage - it must need tidying by now.
he might change the pads on the car........and feel that he did something
worthwhile ......
Fred Roberts
2012-02-06 17:36:19 UTC
Post by Brian Reay.
So, I was right then. I thought so. You are SO predictable.
You expect everything to be given to you.
What a childish and puerile post. Grow up Brian.

BTW I've talking a few of your ex associates from the upper echelons of
the RSGB, even I was shocked at the contempt in which you are held.
Limbo ...
2012-02-06 17:40:03 UTC
Post by Fred Roberts
BTW I've talking a few of your ex associates from the upper echelons of
the RSGB, even I was shocked at the contempt in which you are held.
doesn't surprise me one bit .......
Brian Reay.
2012-02-06 17:47:30 UTC
Post by Fred Roberts
Post by Brian Reay.
So, I was right then. I thought so. You are SO predictable.
You expect everything to be given to you.
What a childish and puerile post. Grow up Brian.
BTW I've talking a few of your ex associates from the upper echelons of
the RSGB, even I was shocked at the contempt in which you are held.
I'll take that as complement. Some of them I would not want their approval,
in fact I would openly seek the converse.
Rather like your approval Frank- were I to get it I'd know I'd done
something wrong.

The nuRSGB is an environment for "yes men" and cover ups, including one in
your area I'm trying to expose.
Limbo ...
2012-02-06 17:51:19 UTC
Post by Brian Reay.
The nuRSGB is an environment for "yes men" and cover ups, including one in
your area I'm trying to expose.
report him to the police.......
Limbo ...
2012-02-06 18:14:41 UTC
Post by Limbo ...
Post by Brian Reay.
The nuRSGB is an environment for "yes men" and cover ups, including one in
your area I'm trying to expose.
report him to the police.......
we must all do what we are best at ........
Fred Roberts
2012-02-06 18:27:54 UTC
Post by Brian Reay.
The nuRSGB is an environment for "yes men" and cover ups,
Sounds like it's right up your street.
Post by Brian Reay.
including one in your area I'm trying to expose.
Shock! Horror! Brian Reay admits all is not well with amateur radio in
GI. Remind me Brian, how long I've been saying just such a thing? How
long have you spent rubbishing all the facts I posted? My, my.. doesn't
it just go to show how childish and puerile your postings and antics
have been over the years...
2012-02-06 21:34:20 UTC
Post by Fred Roberts
Run along little man. You don't know what you're talking about.
I bet does when it come to sour grapes!

Sales @ radiowymsey
Fred Roberts
2012-02-06 22:45:24 UTC
Post by Turbal
Post by Fred Roberts
Run along little man. You don't know what you're talking about.
I bet does when it come to sour grapes!
I'll give you that one Charlie :-)
2012-02-06 14:24:46 UTC
Wonder if I could represent the poor sods from below decks who were
kept locked in till the toffs used the boats. After it sank and the
ensuing 'rescue' of the bodies, of course they didnt lift the scum
from the water, they had to wait for a whole other trip for that.
Joseph Pujol
2012-02-06 14:37:35 UTC
Post by Fred Roberts
There's a lot I can't tell you just yet and a lot is still in the
planning stages with a lot of letters and emails to be written (and a
LOT have already been written), phone calls made and meetings attended.
My friend's (late) Grandad used to deliver beer to the pub the Phillips
family ran between the wars.
Brian Morrison
2012-02-06 21:20:05 UTC
On Mon, 06 Feb 2012 11:50:40 +0000
Post by MM6AHJ
Looking forward to hearing what a spark gap generator sounds like!
Brian Morrison

"Sir Henry's brother Hubert, in his mid-forties and still unusual,
rolled his eyes like dice and came up with an unlucky 13."
2012-02-06 12:18:02 UTC
Post by Chronos
/me resumes the search for strange-arsed connectors and hacking Hamlib
and forgets all about the Kentish Bishopric.
Brian Morrison
2012-02-06 21:18:38 UTC
On Mon, 06 Feb 2012 11:27:42 +0000
Post by Chronos
You know, I'm sure I had an eight pin DIN plug around here somewhere.
Why do Icom (and Kenwood) have to use those things for their ACC
Feel lucky that you're not after a 10 or 13 pin DIN with contacts so
close together that you can hardly solder to them.
Brian Morrison

"Sir Henry's brother Hubert, in his mid-forties and still unusual,
rolled his eyes like dice and came up with an unlucky 13."
2012-02-06 23:01:47 UTC
Post by Brian Morrison
Feel lucky that you're not after a 10 or 13 pin DIN with contacts so
close together that you can hardly solder to them.
Now, I actually have one of those from an Icom (706MkII). I wondered
why they supply them with wires on. Then I took it to bits... ;o)
Radio glossary #46
Contest: A period of special rules where power is unlimited, you no
longer have to ask if the frequency is in use, every lid on the planet
operates his station and you're 59 no matter how many times you're
asked to repeat the suffix of your callsign.
2012-02-05 13:33:52 UTC
Post by Fred Roberts
One other thing, does no one ever tell these twats that
calling and stating you are qrp is akin to begging for a qso?
""The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for
authority; they allow disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of
exercise. Children now are tyrants, not the servants of their households.
They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their
parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross
their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.?"

attributated to Socrates by Plato.

Sales @ radiowymsey
james stewart
2012-02-05 16:11:07 UTC
Post by Fred Roberts
scheme" no less. One other thing, does no one ever tell these twats that
calling and stating you are qrp is akin to begging for a qso?
/m does it for me .......I wouldn't use my 817 in the shack ........
2012-02-05 19:46:38 UTC
well done callum,
fred dont you ever get tired of putting people down?
the guy was rightly proud of working that station qrp but you just had to stick the boot in.
you must have had a bad upbringing to turn out as sad and bitterly twisted as you are.
have you though of therapy i hear it works wonders.
i suspect you were bullied at school and have kept all that pent up anger for years until you came across this forum and found an outlet. you sad sad man.