Post by Julian MacasseyAre there any lurkers here using QO-100? Terrain
permitting, I'm thinking of giving it a go.
Only on receive on 10 GHz.
I'm thinking of the Bullseye LNB for my 10 GHz downlink.
I've an SG-Labs transverter and a 20W
amplifier I use on 13cm but not got round to trying it on QO-100.The
SG-Labs transverter can be programmed to work on the up link.
I'm leaning towards an SDR for feeding the LNB, which I
can also use for general SWL use.
SG Labs
sell a 20W amp for QO-100, but mine is the 2320 version, but it will
work up there with reduced output.
AMSAT have a 5W amp. I am planning on being about 2
Meters from the dish, so keeping all the RF parts besides the
LNB and uplink antenna inside the flat and warm and dry.
I used an 80cm dish, but you can hear it just pointing an LNB. I
modified an LNB to feed in an external 25MHz LO. IF was a funcube dongle
From what I read, a dish about 1 Meter would be ideal
and not so big that questions would be asked.
Scratching the back of an envelope, it looks all looks
very affordable.
There's a time of day when the sun is at the correct azimuth for dish
alignment to see if buildings get in the way.
Good to know. How do I find out how to do that?
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