Howard Oakley - Get Stuffed!
(too old to reply)
David B.
2024-02-19 09:24:35 UTC
How someone expects to dive into a discussion with both feet, hurling
insults at me, when he has not been involved up to the point of his jumping
in; and then bleat like a spoilt child about defamatory statements is quite
beyond me.
Mr Evans,
1. I e-mailed you privately regarding two defamatory postings to the
uk.radio.amateur newsgroup. In case you did not receive that e-mail, I
Mr Evans,
In two articles posted to the Internet Newsgroup uk.radio.amateur, you
have attempted to defame my professional reputation. I quote the headers
and offending sections below.
1. In
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!cemetery.demon.co.uk!not-for-mail
Newsgroups: uk.radio.amateur
Subject: Re: HRT / RSGB ???
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 1998 10:29:47 -0000
NNTP-Posting-Host: cemetery.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: cemetery.demon.co.uk []
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.2106.4
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4
Lines: 38
Xref: news.demon.co.uk uk.radio.amateur:40436
Uuuum... I asked questions of Derek, from which he wriggled out. Perhaps
would care to attack him first, and then come on to me? Is your diagnosis
your patients as careful as your diagnosis of this thread? God help them,
2. In
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!cemetery.demon.co.uk!not-for-mail
Newsgroups: uk.radio.amateur
Subject: Re: HRT / RSGB ???
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 1998 10:57:06 -0000
NNTP-Posting-Host: cemetery.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: cemetery.demon.co.uk []
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.2106.4
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4
Lines: 88
Xref: news.demon.co.uk uk.radio.amateur:40437
My blood pressure is normal...perhaps in your ability to measure
blood-pressure merely by reading the Internetted-word you have the same
diagnosis skill as Dr.Oakley?
Such remarks stepped well beyond the realms of personal abuse which
regretfully seem customary in that and other newsgroups, and attempt to
damage my professional reputation, a matter which is of great concern to
me, as past and future patients of mine could easily read those messages
In view of this, I require you to publish in the same newsgroup an
explicit and unreserved retraction of those above-quoted remarks, together
with an apology for your foolish actions in making such defamatory remarks.
If you should fail to publish such a retraction within a reasonable period
of time - I'd suggest 48 hours - then I regret that I will place the
matter in the hands of a solicitor, so that he can pursue the retraction
more forcefully, or legal redress if such retraction is still not
Please note that I am copying this private letter to Demon's Service Abuse
Report address so that your (and my) Internet Service Provider is aware of
what has taken place.
Howard Oakley.
2. Today I see that you have not only refused to retract those messages,
but you have published a further message which makes a very serious
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!cemetery.demon.co.uk!not-for-mail
Newsgroups: uk.radio.amateur
Subject: Howard Oakley - Get Stuffed!
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 15:17:11 -0000
NNTP-Posting-Host: cemetery.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: cemetery.demon.co.uk []
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.2106.4
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4
Lines: 31
Xref: news.demon.co.uk uk.radio.amateur:40806
Grow up.
Get Stuffed.
See you in court?
Will you ensure that your solicitor is well aware that the first words in
the exchange came from you, in that you referred to me as an "egotistical
Is the British Medical Association aware of the way in which you are
bringing the medical profession into disrepute by initiating a slanging
match, and then crying like a spoilt brat when you get a reply?
Perhaps you could publish the address and contact details in this
if you are so sure of your ground?
Perhaps you could also publish the editorial address for your local
3. Are you claiming that I have defamed you in any way? If so, please
specify what you consider to be defamatory, and what damages you claim to
be suffering as a consequence.
4. I require an immediate retraction of your grossly defamatory claim
that I am "bringing the medical profession into disrepute". This
retraction is to be in a similar manner as the two required above,
together with a complete and unreserved apology, and an undertaking not
to publish any similar defamatory material concerning myself.
5. The British Medical Association is a trade union. Should you wish to
make allegations about the inadequacy of my professional conduct, then
you should do so to the General Medical Council, whose address and
contact details are published in reference volumes (such as Whitaker's
Almanac) available in public libraries.
6. If you care to read the messages, you will see that it was you who
started the whole matter by insulting Derek Thom, who has clearly been
deeply offended, judging by his subsequent postings. However, on several
other occasions you have taken it upon yourself to hurl invective at me.
If you wish, I will send you a compilation. The major difference is that
those were 'simply' personal insults, as I stated in my earlier e-mail to
you. I have already endeavoured to explain to you that your vile
defamation of my professional reputation is a completely different
matter, and is viewed in law as such too. I exhort you to consult a
professional lawyer before making any further published comment.
7. My local newspaper is the Isle of Wight County Press. You will find
their address in Willings' Press Guide and other reference works in your
local library. But I warn you that they are extremely sensitive about
libelling individuals, so any defamatory messages which you care to send
them are likely to land on their lawyer's desk and not go to print.
8. If I do not receive the retractions and apologies which I have
required above by noon on Monday 23 February 1998, I shall make a formal
representation to you in writing. I shall also be requesting your
Internet Service Provider to consider whether they should continue to
enable your illegal defamatory activities, and once again am copying this
to them so that they are aware.
Yours sincerely,
Howard Oakley.
Dr Howard Oakley * M1BWR: active on 2 m SSB, starting on 6 m
Brooklands Lodge * CompuServe 70734,120
Park View Close * CIX hoakley
Wroxall, Ventnor * voice +44 1983 853605
Isle of Wight, PO38 3EQ, UK * fax +44 1983 853253
A. non Eyemouse
2024-02-20 04:18:10 UTC
On 19/02/2024 09:24, David B. wrote:


This OM, apparently.
Where Morse meets House.
David B.
2024-02-25 06:45:59 UTC
Post by A. non Eyemouse
This OM, apparently.

Please advise.
2024-02-25 08:34:44 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by A. non Eyemouse
This OM, apparently.
Please advise.
You're not an OM then ?
David B.
2024-02-25 12:22:55 UTC
Post by mm0fmf
Post by David B.
Post by A. non Eyemouse
This OM, apparently.
Please advise.
You're not an OM then ?
No - but I have a great friend who is!

I'm more of an Apple Fanboy like Howard Oakley! See:-
David B.
2024-02-25 23:52:27 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by mm0fmf
Post by David B.
Post by A. non Eyemouse
This OM, apparently.
Please advise.
You're not an OM then ?
No - but I have a great friend who is!
I'm more of an Apple Fanboy like Howard Oakley! See:-
Hello again! 😊
Additional help has been requested here:-
I'm beginning to wonder if this is a somewhat sensitive subject.
Do YOU ever recommend the use of EtreCheck - the software available from
