The war on motorists.
(too old to reply)
Radio Man
2023-09-30 12:34:21 UTC
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists" just
cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old, too fucked, too
fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or to cycle can get a taxi or
use the fantastic, efficient, reasonably priced public transport that the
wonderful Conservative party had the foresight to deregulate and
privatise for them.

Grow Up, Motorists!
Jack Harry Teesdale
2023-09-30 13:23:26 UTC
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists" just
cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old, too fucked, too
fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or to cycle can get a taxi or
use the fantastic, efficient, reasonably priced public transport that the
wonderful Conservative party had the foresight to deregulate and
privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
Do I sense a large hint of sarcasm in your post?

Anyhow, the anti-motorist brigade would do well to remember it is
motorists who pay a large slice of the taxes, without which there
wouldn't be much less available for public spending.
2023-09-30 13:30:03 UTC
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists" just
cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old, too fucked, too
fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or to cycle can get a taxi or
use the fantastic, efficient, reasonably priced public transport that the
wonderful Conservative party had the foresight to deregulate and
privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off my bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after that. Too many
motorist who don't give adequate room when passing.
from KT24 in Surrey, England - sent from my RISC OS 4té²
"I'd rather die of exhaustion than die of boredom" Thomas Carlyle
The Natural Philosopher
2023-09-30 14:01:03 UTC
Post by charles
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists" just
cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old, too fucked, too
fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or to cycle can get a taxi or
use the fantastic, efficient, reasonably priced public transport that the
wonderful Conservative party had the foresight to deregulate and
privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off my bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after that. Too many
motorist who don't give adequate room when passing.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the
center. They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle accurately
enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side and more if they
can arrange it, but of course they never took a test, have no insurance
, and these days have effective immunity under the Law.
Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of their non carbon
emittiung bicycles.
I was brought up to believe that you should never give offence if you
can avoid it; the new culture tells us you should always take offence if
you can. There are now experts in the art of taking offence, indeed
whole academic subjects, such as 'gender studies', devoted to it.

Sir Roger Scruton
S Mason
2023-09-30 15:12:23 UTC
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by charles
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists"
just cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old, too
fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or to cycle
can get a taxi or use the fantastic, efficient, reasonably priced
public transport that the wonderful Conservative party had the
foresight to deregulate and privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off my bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after that. Too many
motorist who don't give adequate room when passing.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the
center. They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle accurately
enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side and more if they
can arrange it, but of course they never took a test, have no insurance
, and these days have effective immunity under the Law.
Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of their non carbon
emittiung bicycles.
I hope you've got some sort of spittle guard on that keyboard of yours.
The Natural Philosopher
2023-09-30 17:23:21 UTC
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by charles
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists"
just cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old, too
fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or to cycle
can get a taxi or use the fantastic, efficient, reasonably priced
public transport that the wonderful Conservative party had the
foresight to deregulate and privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off my bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after that. Too many
motorist who don't give adequate room when passing.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the
center. They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle accurately
enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side and more if they
can arrange it, but of course they never took a test, have no insurance
, and these days have effective immunity under the Law.
Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of their non carbon
emittiung bicycles.
I hope you've got some sort of spittle guard on that keyboard of yours.
No spittle. Just *facts*. You know the things that cause you to have a
panic attack and cover your ears.
And leap in to mount an *emotional* attack on the people who divulge
them to you.
“It is hard to imagine a more stupid decision or more dangerous way of
making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people
who pay no price for being wrong.”

Thomas Sowell
S Mason
2023-09-30 19:18:07 UTC
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by charles
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists"
just cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old, too
fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or to cycle
can get a taxi or use the fantastic, efficient, reasonably priced
public transport that the wonderful Conservative party had the
foresight to deregulate and privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off my bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after that. Too many
motorist who don't give adequate room when passing.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the
center. They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle accurately
enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side and more if they
can arrange it, but of course they never took a test, have no
insurance , and these days have effective immunity under the Law.
Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of their non
carbon emittiung bicycles.
I hope you've got some sort of spittle guard on that keyboard of yours.
No spittle. Just *facts*. You know the things that cause you to have a
panic attack and cover your ears.
And leap in to mount an *emotional* attack on the people who divulge
them to you.
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the arse.
The Natural Philosopher
2023-10-01 09:56:32 UTC
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by charles
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists"
just cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old, too
fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or to cycle
can get a taxi or use the fantastic, efficient, reasonably priced
public transport that the wonderful Conservative party had the
foresight to deregulate and privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off my bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after that. Too many
motorist who don't give adequate room when passing.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the
center. They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle accurately
enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side and more if they
can arrange it, but of course they never took a test, have no
insurance , and these days have effective immunity under the Law.
Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of their non
carbon emittiung bicycles.
I hope you've got some sort of spittle guard on that keyboard of yours.
No spittle. Just *facts*. You know the things that cause you to have a
panic attack and cover your ears.
And leap in to mount an *emotional* attack on the people who divulge
them to you.
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the arse.
Oh dear, more emotional fact free responses.
Darling boy, I made my career as a practising engineer. No a BBC newscaster.
Machines respond to facts.
Not to idle opinions.
I cant make my car do another ten miles by promising it that I will fill
up at the next fuel station.
If my designs are not cosnsistent with the facts, they dont work.

I said:
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the

That is an actual fact.

They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle accurately
enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side and more if they
can arrange it,

That is also a fact. They are the most selfish road users ever. They
have been told how scared they must be of cars but how they can
prosecute a driver who doesn't leave a meter gap, which means they can
render themselves impossible to overtake, and they do. one mile tailbacks

but of course they never took a test,

Is a fact.

have no insurance ,

is a fact.

and these days have effective immunity under the Law.

is a fact.

Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of their non
carbon emitting bicycles.

Poetic license
Gun Control: The law that ensures that only criminals have guns.
S Mason
2023-10-01 10:27:18 UTC
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by charles
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists"
just cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old, too
fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or to
cycle can get a taxi or use the fantastic, efficient, reasonably
priced public transport that the wonderful Conservative party had
the foresight to deregulate and privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off my bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after that. Too
many motorist who don't give adequate room when passing.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the
center. They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle
accurately enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side and
more if they can arrange it, but of course they never took a test,
have no insurance , and these days have effective immunity under the
Law. Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of their
non carbon emittiung bicycles.
I hope you've got some sort of spittle guard on that keyboard of yours.
No spittle. Just *facts*. You know the things that cause you to have a
panic attack and cover your ears.
And leap in to mount an *emotional* attack on the people who divulge
them to you.
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the arse.
Oh dear, more emotional fact free responses.
Darling boy, I made my career as a practising engineer. No a BBC newscaster.
Machines respond to facts.
Not to idle opinions.
I cant make my car do another ten miles by promising it that I will fill
up at the next fuel station.
If my designs are not cosnsistent with the facts, they dont work.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the
That is an actual fact.
They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle accurately enough
with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side and more if they
can arrange it,
That is also a fact. They are the most selfish road users ever. They
have been told how scared they must be of cars but how they can
prosecute a driver who doesn't leave a meter gap, which means they can
render themselves impossible to overtake, and they do. one mile tailbacks
but of course they never took a test,
Is a fact.
have no insurance ,
is a fact.
and these days have effective immunity under the Law.
is a fact.
Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of their non
carbon emitting bicycles.
Poetic license
All perfectly legal. I thought you lot liked law and order, or is that
only when it suits YOU?
The Natural Philosopher
2023-10-01 21:23:29 UTC
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by charles
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists"
just cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old, too
fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or to
cycle can get a taxi or use the fantastic, efficient, reasonably
priced public transport that the wonderful Conservative party had
the foresight to deregulate and privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off my bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after that. Too
many motorist who don't give adequate room when passing.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the
center. They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle
accurately enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side and
more if they can arrange it, but of course they never took a test,
have no insurance , and these days have effective immunity under the
Law. Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of their
non carbon emittiung bicycles.
I hope you've got some sort of spittle guard on that keyboard of yours.
No spittle. Just *facts*. You know the things that cause you to have a
panic attack and cover your ears.
And leap in to mount an *emotional* attack on the people who divulge
them to you.
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the arse.
Oh dear, more emotional fact free responses.
Darling boy, I made my career as a practising engineer. No a BBC newscaster.
Machines respond to facts.
Not to idle opinions.
I cant make my car do another ten miles by promising it that I will fill
up at the next fuel station.
If my designs are not cosnsistent with the facts, they dont work.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the
That is an actual fact.
They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle accurately enough
with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side and more if they
can arrange it,
That is also a fact. They are the most selfish road users ever. They
have been told how scared they must be of cars but how they can
prosecute a driver who doesn't leave a meter gap, which means they can
render themselves impossible to overtake, and they do. one mile tailbacks
but of course they never took a test,
Is a fact.
have no insurance ,
is a fact.
and these days have effective immunity under the Law.
is a fact.
Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of their non
carbon emitting bicycles.
Poetic license
All perfectly legal. I thought you lot liked law and order, or is that
only when it suits YOU?
Legality does not necessarily equate with good practice.
I see a report in the comic DE that Cambridge, home of the lightless
pavement riding bicycle is the worst town for lethal traffic accidents.

These are not legal. Neither is cycling the wrong way down a one way
street or lurching off the pavement in front of a car. Or going round a
roundabout the wrong way.

I would say only one in three cambridge cyclists are fit to be allowed
on the public roads when they decide that the pavement isn't where they
want to be..
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the
other is to refuse to believe what is true.”

—Soren Kierkegaard
S Mason
2023-10-01 21:40:35 UTC
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by charles
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists"
just cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old, too
fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or to
cycle can get a taxi or use the fantastic, efficient, reasonably
priced public transport that the wonderful Conservative party
had the foresight to deregulate and privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off my bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after that. Too
many motorist who don't give adequate room when passing.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the
center. They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle
accurately enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side
and more if they can arrange it, but of course they never took a
test, have no insurance , and these days have effective immunity
under the Law. Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity
of their non carbon emittiung bicycles.
I hope you've got some sort of spittle guard on that keyboard of yours.
No spittle. Just *facts*. You know the things that cause you to have
a panic attack and cover your ears.
And leap in to mount an *emotional* attack on the people who divulge
them to you.
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the arse.
Oh dear, more emotional fact free responses.
Darling boy, I made my career as a practising engineer. No a BBC newscaster.
Machines respond to facts.
Not to idle opinions.
I cant make my car do another ten miles by promising it that I will
fill up at the next fuel station.
If my designs are not cosnsistent with the facts, they dont work.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the
That is an actual fact.
They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle accurately
enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side and more if they
can arrange it,
That is also a fact. They are the most selfish road users ever. They
have been told how scared they must be of cars but how they can
prosecute a driver who doesn't leave a meter gap, which means they can
render themselves impossible to overtake, and they do. one mile tailbacks
but of course they never took a test,
Is a fact.
have no insurance ,
is a fact.
and these days have effective immunity under the Law.
is a fact.
Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of their non
carbon emitting bicycles.
Poetic license
All perfectly legal. I thought you lot liked law and order, or is that
only when it suits YOU?
Legality does not necessarily equate with good practice.
I see a report in the comic DE that Cambridge, home of the lightless
pavement riding bicycle is the worst town for lethal traffic accidents.
These are not legal. Neither is cycling the wrong way down a one way
street or lurching off the pavement in front of a car. Or going round a
roundabout the wrong way.
I would say only one in three cambridge cyclists are fit to be allowed
on the public roads when they decide that the pavement isn't where they
want to be..
Lots of additional spittle-flecked stuff that you weren't talking about
in your original rant about law abiding cyclists.

Same old.
The Natural Philosopher
2023-10-01 21:49:52 UTC
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by charles
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists"
just cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old, too
fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or to
cycle can get a taxi or use the fantastic, efficient, reasonably
priced public transport that the wonderful Conservative party
had the foresight to deregulate and privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off my bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after that. Too
many motorist who don't give adequate room when passing.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the
center. They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle
accurately enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side
and more if they can arrange it, but of course they never took a
test, have no insurance , and these days have effective immunity
under the Law. Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity
of their non carbon emittiung bicycles.
I hope you've got some sort of spittle guard on that keyboard of yours.
No spittle. Just *facts*. You know the things that cause you to have
a panic attack and cover your ears.
And leap in to mount an *emotional* attack on the people who divulge
them to you.
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the arse.
Oh dear, more emotional fact free responses.
Darling boy, I made my career as a practising engineer. No a BBC newscaster.
Machines respond to facts.
Not to idle opinions.
I cant make my car do another ten miles by promising it that I will
fill up at the next fuel station.
If my designs are not cosnsistent with the facts, they dont work.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the
That is an actual fact.
They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle accurately
enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side and more if they
can arrange it,
That is also a fact. They are the most selfish road users ever. They
have been told how scared they must be of cars but how they can
prosecute a driver who doesn't leave a meter gap, which means they can
render themselves impossible to overtake, and they do. one mile tailbacks
but of course they never took a test,
Is a fact.
have no insurance ,
is a fact.
and these days have effective immunity under the Law.
is a fact.
Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of their non
carbon emitting bicycles.
Poetic license
All perfectly legal. I thought you lot liked law and order, or is that
only when it suits YOU?
Legality does not necessarily equate with good practice.
I see a report in the comic DE that Cambridge, home of the lightless
pavement riding bicycle is the worst town for lethal traffic accidents.
These are not legal. Neither is cycling the wrong way down a one way
street or lurching off the pavement in front of a car. Or going round a
roundabout the wrong way.
I would say only one in three cambridge cyclists are fit to be allowed
on the public roads when they decide that the pavement isn't where they
want to be..
Lots of additional spittle-flecked stuff that you weren't talking about
in your original rant about law abiding cyclists.
Same old.
You are becoming a total fucking bore with your pathetic juvenile insults
whenever you cant make a rational case.

Gun Control: The law that ensures that only criminals have guns.
S Mason
2023-10-01 21:55:39 UTC
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by charles
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists"
just cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old,
too fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or
to cycle can get a taxi or use the fantastic, efficient,
reasonably priced public transport that the wonderful
Conservative party had the foresight to deregulate and
privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off my bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after that. Too
many motorist who don't give adequate room when passing.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down
the center. They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle
accurately enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side
and more if they can arrange it, but of course they never took a
test, have no insurance , and these days have effective immunity
under the Law. Their very saddles stink with the odour of
sanctity of their non carbon emittiung bicycles.
I hope you've got some sort of spittle guard on that keyboard of yours.
No spittle. Just *facts*. You know the things that cause you to
have a panic attack and cover your ears.
And leap in to mount an *emotional* attack on the people who
divulge them to you.
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the arse.
Oh dear, more emotional fact free responses.
Darling boy, I made my career as a practising engineer. No a BBC newscaster.
Machines respond to facts.
Not to idle opinions.
I cant make my car do another ten miles by promising it that I will
fill up at the next fuel station.
If my designs are not cosnsistent with the facts, they dont work.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the
That is an actual fact.
They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle accurately
enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side and more if they
can arrange it,
That is also a fact. They are the most selfish road users ever. They
have been told how scared they must be of cars but how they can
prosecute a driver who doesn't leave a meter gap, which means they
can render themselves impossible to overtake, and they do. one mile
but of course they never took a test,
Is a fact.
have no insurance ,
is a fact.
and these days have effective immunity under the Law.
is a fact.
Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of their non
carbon emitting bicycles.
Poetic license
All perfectly legal. I thought you lot liked law and order, or is
that only when it suits YOU?
Legality does not necessarily equate with good practice.
I see a report in the comic DE that Cambridge, home of the lightless
pavement riding bicycle is the worst town for lethal traffic
These are not legal. Neither is cycling the wrong way down a one way
street or lurching off the pavement in front of a car. Or going round
a roundabout the wrong way.
I would say only one in three cambridge cyclists are fit to be allowed
on the public roads when they decide that the pavement isn't where
they want to be..
Lots of additional spittle-flecked stuff that you weren't talking about
in your original rant about law abiding cyclists.
Same old.
You are becoming a total fucking bore with your pathetic juvenile
insults whenever you cant make a rational case.

2023-10-03 01:28:45 UTC
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by charles
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists"
just cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old,
too fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or
to cycle can get a taxi or use the fantastic, efficient,
reasonably priced public transport that the wonderful
Conservative party had the foresight to deregulate and
privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off my bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after that. Too
many motorist who don't give adequate room when passing.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down
the center. They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle
accurately enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side
and more if they can arrange it, but of course they never took a
test, have no insurance , and these days have effective immunity
under the Law. Their very saddles stink with the odour of
sanctity of their non carbon emittiung bicycles.
I hope you've got some sort of spittle guard on that keyboard of yours.
No spittle. Just *facts*. You know the things that cause you to
have a panic attack and cover your ears.
And leap in to mount an *emotional* attack on the people who
divulge them to you.
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the arse.
Oh dear, more emotional fact free responses.
Darling boy, I made my career as a practising engineer. No a BBC newscaster.
Machines respond to facts.
Not to idle opinions.
I cant make my car do another ten miles by promising it that I will
fill up at the next fuel station.
If my designs are not cosnsistent with the facts, they dont work.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the
That is an actual fact.
They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle accurately
enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side and more if they
can arrange it,
That is also a fact. They are the most selfish road users ever. They
have been told how scared they must be of cars but how they can
prosecute a driver who doesn't leave a meter gap, which means they
can render themselves impossible to overtake, and they do. one mile
but of course they never took a test,
Is a fact.
have no insurance ,
is a fact.
and these days have effective immunity under the Law.
is a fact.
Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of their non
carbon emitting bicycles.
Poetic license
All perfectly legal. I thought you lot liked law and order, or is
that only when it suits YOU?
Legality does not necessarily equate with good practice.
I see a report in the comic DE that Cambridge, home of the lightless
pavement riding bicycle is the worst town for lethal traffic accidents.
These are not legal. Neither is cycling the wrong way down a one way
street or lurching off the pavement in front of a car. Or going round
a roundabout the wrong way.
I would say only one in three cambridge cyclists are fit to be allowed
on the public roads when they decide that the pavement isn't where
they want to be..
Lots of additional spittle-flecked stuff that you weren't talking about
in your original rant about law abiding cyclists.
Same old.
You are becoming a total fucking bore with your pathetic juvenile
insults whenever you cant make a rational case.
Oi! May Sun!

Yes... YOU!

Aren't you the very same May Sun who has been deceitfully claiming for
years that you have a large number of posters killfiled and never see
their posts, but then spend hours every week responding in detail to
them whilst pretending that you haven't seen them?


LOL indeed...
S Mason
2023-10-03 05:27:11 UTC
Post by JNugent
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by charles
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists"
just cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old,
too fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk
or to cycle can get a taxi or use the fantastic, efficient,
reasonably priced public transport that the wonderful
Conservative party had the foresight to deregulate and
privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off my bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after that.
Too many motorist who don't give adequate room when passing.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down
the center. They patently have no idea how to control a
bicycle accurately enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap
either side and more if they can arrange it, but of course
they never took a test, have no insurance , and these days
have effective immunity under the Law. Their very saddles
stink with the odour of sanctity of their non carbon emittiung
I hope you've got some sort of spittle guard on that keyboard of yours.
No spittle. Just *facts*. You know the things that cause you to
have a panic attack and cover your ears.
And leap in to mount an *emotional* attack on the people who
divulge them to you.
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the arse.
Oh dear, more emotional fact free responses.
Darling boy, I made my career as a practising engineer. No a BBC newscaster.
Machines respond to facts.
Not to idle opinions.
I cant make my car do another ten miles by promising it that I
will fill up at the next fuel station.
If my designs are not cosnsistent with the facts, they dont work.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the
That is an actual fact.
They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle
accurately enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either
side and more if they
can arrange it,
That is also a fact. They are the most selfish road users ever.
They have been told how scared they must be of cars but how they
can prosecute a driver who doesn't leave a meter gap, which means
they can render themselves impossible to overtake, and they do.
one mile tailbacks
but of course they never took a test,
Is a fact.
have no insurance ,
is a fact.
and these days have effective immunity under the Law.
is a fact.
Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of their
non carbon emitting bicycles.
Poetic license
All perfectly legal. I thought you lot liked law and order, or is
that only when it suits YOU?
Legality does not necessarily equate with good practice.
I see a report in the comic DE that Cambridge, home of the lightless
pavement riding bicycle is the worst town for lethal traffic accidents.
These are not legal. Neither is cycling the wrong way down a one way
street or lurching off the pavement in front of a car. Or going
round a roundabout the wrong way.
I would say only one in three cambridge cyclists are fit to be
allowed on the public roads when they decide that the pavement isn't
where they want to be..
Lots of additional spittle-flecked stuff that you weren't talking
about in your original rant about law abiding cyclists.
Same old.
You are becoming a total fucking bore with your pathetic juvenile
insults whenever you cant make a rational case.
Oi! May Sun!
Yes... YOU!
Aren't you the very same May Sun who has been deceitfully claiming for
years that you have a large number of posters killfiled and never see
their posts, but then spend hours every week responding in detail to
them whilst pretending that you haven't seen them?
Post by JNugent
LOL indeed...
Muddleheaded muppet.
2023-10-12 14:35:11 UTC
Post by S Mason
Post by JNugent
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by charles
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The
just cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old,
too fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk
or to cycle can get a taxi or use the fantastic, efficient,
reasonably priced public transport that the wonderful
Conservative party had the foresight to deregulate and
privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off my bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after that.
Too many motorist who don't give adequate room when passing.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down
the center. They patently have no idea how to control a
bicycle accurately enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap
either side and more if they can arrange it, but of course
they never took a test, have no insurance , and these days
have effective immunity under the Law. Their very saddles
stink with the odour of sanctity of their non carbon emittiung
I hope you've got some sort of spittle guard on that keyboard of yours.
No spittle. Just *facts*. You know the things that cause you to
have a panic attack and cover your ears.
And leap in to mount an *emotional* attack on the people who
divulge them to you.
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the arse.
Oh dear, more emotional fact free responses.
Darling boy, I made my career as a practising engineer. No a BBC newscaster.
Machines respond to facts.
Not to idle opinions.
I cant make my car do another ten miles by promising it that I
will fill up at the next fuel station.
If my designs are not cosnsistent with the facts, they dont work.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the
That is an actual fact.
They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle
accurately enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either
side and more if they
can arrange it,
That is also a fact. They are the most selfish road users ever.
They have been told how scared they must be of cars but how they
can prosecute a driver who doesn't leave a meter gap, which means
they can render themselves impossible to overtake, and they do.
one mile tailbacks
but of course they never took a test,
Is a fact.
have no insurance ,
is a fact.
and these days have effective immunity under the Law.
is a fact.
Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of their
non carbon emitting bicycles.
Poetic license
All perfectly legal. I thought you lot liked law and order, or is
that only when it suits YOU?
Legality does not necessarily equate with good practice.
I see a report in the comic DE that Cambridge, home of the lightless
pavement riding bicycle is the worst town for lethal traffic accidents.
These are not legal. Neither is cycling the wrong way down a one way
street or lurching off the pavement in front of a car. Or going
round a roundabout the wrong way.
I would say only one in three cambridge cyclists are fit to be
allowed on the public roads when they decide that the pavement isn't
where they want to be..
Lots of additional spittle-flecked stuff that you weren't talking
about in your original rant about law abiding cyclists.
Same old.
You are becoming a total fucking bore with your pathetic juvenile
insults whenever you cant make a rational case.
Oi! May Sun!
Yes... YOU!
Aren't you the very same May Sun who has been deceitfully claiming for
years that you have a large number of posters killfiled and never see
their posts, but then spend hours every week responding in detail to
them whilst pretending that you haven't seen them?
Oh yes... I forgot to add the other apt description of you, May Sun:

Post by S Mason
Post by JNugent
LOL indeed...
Muddleheaded muppet.
Did you get that? LIAR!
S Mason
2023-10-12 14:52:39 UTC
Post by JNugent
Post by S Mason
Post by JNugent
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by charles
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The
just cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old,
too fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves to
walk or to cycle can get a taxi or use the fantastic,
efficient, reasonably priced public transport that the
wonderful Conservative party had the foresight to
deregulate and privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off my
bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after that.
Too many motorist who don't give adequate room when passing.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down
the center. They patently have no idea how to control a
bicycle accurately enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap
either side and more if they can arrange it, but of course
they never took a test, have no insurance , and these days
have effective immunity under the Law. Their very saddles
stink with the odour of sanctity of their non carbon
emittiung bicycles.
I hope you've got some sort of spittle guard on that keyboard
of yours.
No spittle. Just *facts*. You know the things that cause you
to have a panic attack and cover your ears.
And leap in to mount an *emotional* attack on the people who
divulge them to you.
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the arse.
Oh dear, more emotional fact free responses.
Darling boy, I made my career as a practising engineer. No a BBC
Machines respond to facts.
Not to idle opinions.
I cant make my car do another ten miles by promising it that I
will fill up at the next fuel station.
If my designs are not cosnsistent with the facts, they dont work.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down
the center.
That is an actual fact.
They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle
accurately enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap
either side and more if they
can arrange it,
That is also a fact. They are the most selfish road users ever.
They have been told how scared they must be of cars but how they
can prosecute a driver who doesn't leave a meter gap, which
means they can render themselves impossible to overtake, and
they do. one mile tailbacks
but of course they never took a test,
Is a fact.
have no insurance ,
is a fact.
and these days have effective immunity under the Law.
is a fact.
Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of
their non carbon emitting bicycles.
Poetic license
All perfectly legal. I thought you lot liked law and order, or is
that only when it suits YOU?
Legality does not necessarily equate with good practice.
I see a report in the comic DE that Cambridge, home of the
lightless pavement riding bicycle is the worst town for lethal
traffic accidents.
These are not legal. Neither is cycling the wrong way down a one
way street or lurching off the pavement in front of a car. Or
going round a roundabout the wrong way.
I would say only one in three cambridge cyclists are fit to be
allowed on the public roads when they decide that the pavement
isn't where they want to be..
Lots of additional spittle-flecked stuff that you weren't talking
about in your original rant about law abiding cyclists.
Same old.
You are becoming a total fucking bore with your pathetic juvenile
insults whenever you cant make a rational case.
Oi! May Sun!
Yes... YOU!
Aren't you the very same May Sun who has been deceitfully claiming for
years that you have a large number of posters killfiled and never see
their posts, but then spend hours every week responding in detail to
them whilst pretending that you haven't seen them?
Post by S Mason
Post by JNugent
LOL indeed...
Muddleheaded muppet.
Did you get that? LIAR!
You mental cunt.
2023-10-13 10:27:48 UTC
Post by S Mason
Post by JNugent
Post by S Mason
Post by JNugent
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by charles
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The
just cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old,
too fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves to
walk or to cycle can get a taxi or use the fantastic,
efficient, reasonably priced public transport that the
wonderful Conservative party had the foresight to
deregulate and privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off my
bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after that.
Too many motorist who don't give adequate room when passing.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down
the center. They patently have no idea how to control a
bicycle accurately enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap
either side and more if they can arrange it, but of course
they never took a test, have no insurance , and these days
have effective immunity under the Law. Their very saddles
stink with the odour of sanctity of their non carbon
emittiung bicycles.
I hope you've got some sort of spittle guard on that keyboard
of yours.
No spittle. Just *facts*. You know the things that cause you
to have a panic attack and cover your ears.
And leap in to mount an *emotional* attack on the people who
divulge them to you.
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the arse.
Oh dear, more emotional fact free responses.
Darling boy, I made my career as a practising engineer. No a BBC
Machines respond to facts.
Not to idle opinions.
I cant make my car do another ten miles by promising it that I
will fill up at the next fuel station.
If my designs are not cosnsistent with the facts, they dont work.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down
the center.
That is an actual fact.
They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle
accurately enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap
either side and more if they
can arrange it,
That is also a fact. They are the most selfish road users ever.
They have been told how scared they must be of cars but how they
can prosecute a driver who doesn't leave a meter gap, which
means they can render themselves impossible to overtake, and
they do. one mile tailbacks
but of course they never took a test,
Is a fact.
have no insurance ,
is a fact.
and these days have effective immunity under the Law.
is a fact.
Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of
their non carbon emitting bicycles.
Poetic license
All perfectly legal. I thought you lot liked law and order, or is
that only when it suits YOU?
Legality does not necessarily equate with good practice.
I see a report in the comic DE that Cambridge, home of the
lightless pavement riding bicycle is the worst town for lethal
traffic accidents.
These are not legal. Neither is cycling the wrong way down a one
way street or lurching off the pavement in front of a car. Or
going round a roundabout the wrong way.
I would say only one in three cambridge cyclists are fit to be
allowed on the public roads when they decide that the pavement
isn't where they want to be..
Lots of additional spittle-flecked stuff that you weren't talking
about in your original rant about law abiding cyclists.
Same old.
You are becoming a total fucking bore with your pathetic juvenile
insults whenever you cant make a rational case.
Oi! May Sun!
Yes... YOU!
Aren't you the very same May Sun who has been deceitfully claiming for
years that you have a large number of posters killfiled and never see
their posts, but then spend hours every week responding in detail to
them whilst pretending that you haven't seen them?
Post by S Mason
Post by JNugent
LOL indeed...
Muddleheaded muppet.
Did you get that? LIAR!
You mental cunt.
That's better!

That's more like the Simon May Sun that everyone knows (but need not
necessarily love).

BTW: have you done any more flying practice recently?
S Mason
2023-10-13 11:44:01 UTC
Post by JNugent
Post by S Mason
Post by JNugent
Post by S Mason
Post by JNugent
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
On Sat, 30 Sep 2023 15:01:03 +0100, The Natural Philosopher
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by charles
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The
just cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too
too fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves to
walk or to cycle can get a taxi or use the fantastic,
efficient, reasonably priced public transport that the
wonderful Conservative party had the foresight to
deregulate and privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off
my bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after
that. Too many motorist who don't give adequate room when
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding
down the center. They patently have no idea how to control
a bicycle accurately enough with anything less than a 1,5m
gap either side and more if they can arrange it, but of
course they never took a test, have no insurance , and
these days have effective immunity under the Law. Their
very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of their non
carbon emittiung bicycles.
I hope you've got some sort of spittle guard on that
keyboard of yours.
No spittle. Just *facts*. You know the things that cause you
to have a panic attack and cover your ears.
And leap in to mount an *emotional* attack on the people who
divulge them to you.
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the arse.
Oh dear, more emotional fact free responses.
Darling boy, I made my career as a practising engineer. No a
BBC newscaster.
Machines respond to facts.
Not to idle opinions.
I cant make my car do another ten miles by promising it that I
will fill up at the next fuel station.
If my designs are not cosnsistent with the facts, they dont work.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down
the center.
That is an actual fact.
They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle
accurately enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap
either side and more if they
can arrange it,
That is also a fact. They are the most selfish road users
ever. They have been told how scared they must be of cars but
how they can prosecute a driver who doesn't leave a meter gap,
which means they can render themselves impossible to overtake,
and they do. one mile tailbacks
but of course they never took a test,
Is a fact.
have no insurance ,
is a fact.
and these days have effective immunity under the Law.
is a fact.
Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of
their non carbon emitting bicycles.
Poetic license
All perfectly legal. I thought you lot liked law and order, or
is that only when it suits YOU?
Legality does not necessarily equate with good practice.
I see a report in the comic DE that Cambridge, home of the
lightless pavement riding bicycle is the worst town for lethal
traffic accidents.
These are not legal. Neither is cycling the wrong way down a one
way street or lurching off the pavement in front of a car. Or
going round a roundabout the wrong way.
I would say only one in three cambridge cyclists are fit to be
allowed on the public roads when they decide that the pavement
isn't where they want to be..
Lots of additional spittle-flecked stuff that you weren't talking
about in your original rant about law abiding cyclists.
Same old.
You are becoming a total fucking bore with your pathetic juvenile
insults whenever you cant make a rational case.
Oi! May Sun!
Yes... YOU!
Aren't you the very same May Sun who has been deceitfully claiming
for years that you have a large number of posters killfiled and
never see their posts, but then spend hours every week responding in
detail to them whilst pretending that you haven't seen them?
Post by S Mason
Post by JNugent
LOL indeed...
Muddleheaded muppet.
Did you get that? LIAR!
You mental cunt.
That's better!
That's more like the Simon May Sun that everyone knows (but need not
necessarily love).
BTW: have you done any more flying practice recently?
I've already told you that I'm not Simon Mason, or May Sun, you leadheaded
Now, take your surfeit of spittle, fuck off, and jump on someone else's
hook, you deluded Clownfish cunt.

2023-10-03 01:26:38 UTC
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by charles
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists"
just cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old, too
fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or to
cycle can get a taxi or use the fantastic, efficient, reasonably
priced public transport that the wonderful Conservative party
had the foresight to deregulate and privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off my bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after that. Too
many motorist who don't give adequate room when passing.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the
center. They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle
accurately enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side
and more if they can arrange it, but of course they never took a
test, have no insurance , and these days have effective immunity
under the Law. Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity
of their non carbon emittiung bicycles.
I hope you've got some sort of spittle guard on that keyboard of yours.
No spittle. Just *facts*. You know the things that cause you to have
a panic attack and cover your ears.
And leap in to mount an *emotional* attack on the people who divulge
them to you.
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the arse.
Oh dear, more emotional fact free responses.
Darling boy, I made my career as a practising engineer. No a BBC newscaster.
Machines respond to facts.
Not to idle opinions.
I cant make my car do another ten miles by promising it that I will
fill up at the next fuel station.
If my designs are not cosnsistent with the facts, they dont work.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the
That is an actual fact.
They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle accurately
enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side and more if they
can arrange it,
That is also a fact. They are the most selfish road users ever. They
have been told how scared they must be of cars but how they can
prosecute a driver who doesn't leave a meter gap, which means they can
render themselves impossible to overtake, and they do. one mile tailbacks
but of course they never took a test,
Is a fact.
have no insurance ,
is a fact.
and these days have effective immunity under the Law.
is a fact.
Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of their non
carbon emitting bicycles.
Poetic license
All perfectly legal. I thought you lot liked law and order, or is that
only when it suits YOU?
Legality does not necessarily equate with good practice.
I see a report in the comic DE that Cambridge, home of the lightless
pavement riding bicycle is the worst town for lethal traffic accidents.
These are not legal. Neither is cycling the wrong way down a one way
street or lurching off the pavement in front of a car. Or going round a
roundabout the wrong way.
I would say only one in three cambridge cyclists are fit to be allowed
on the public roads when they decide that the pavement isn't where they
want to be..
Lots of additional spittle-flecked stuff that you weren't talking about
in your original rant about law abiding cyclists.
Same old.
You are becoming a total fucking bore with your pathetic juvenile insults
whenever you cant make a rational case.
Simon Mason of uk.rec.cycling; champion bridge jumper-offer.

You've probably done the best thing.
The Natural Philosopher
2023-10-03 07:41:26 UTC
Post by JNugent
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by charles
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists"
just cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old, too
fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or to
cycle can get a taxi or use the fantastic, efficient, reasonably
priced public transport that the wonderful Conservative party
had the foresight to deregulate and privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off my bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after that.  Too
many motorist who don't give adequate room when passing.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down  the
center. They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle
accurately enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side
and more if they can arrange it, but of course they never took a
test, have no insurance , and these days have effective immunity
under the Law. Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity
of their non carbon emittiung bicycles.
I hope you've got some sort of spittle guard on that keyboard of yours.
No spittle. Just *facts*. You know the things that cause you to have
a panic attack and cover your ears.
And leap in to mount an *emotional* attack on the people who divulge
them to you.
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the arse.
Oh dear, more emotional fact free responses.
Darling boy, I made my career as a practising engineer. No a BBC newscaster.
Machines respond to facts.
Not to idle opinions.
I cant make my car do another ten miles by promising it that I will
fill up at the next fuel station.
If my designs are not cosnsistent with the facts, they dont work.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down  the
That is an actual fact.
    They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle accurately
    enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side and more if
can arrange it,
That is also a fact. They are the most selfish road users ever. They
have been told how scared they must be of cars but how they can
prosecute a driver who doesn't leave a meter gap, which means they can
render themselves impossible to overtake, and they do. one mile tailbacks
but of course they never took a test,
Is a fact.
    have no insurance ,
is a fact.
    and these days have effective immunity under the Law.
is a fact.
    Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of their non
    carbon emitting bicycles.
Poetic license
All perfectly legal. I thought you lot liked law and order, or is that
only when it suits YOU?
Legality does not necessarily equate with good practice.
I see a report in the comic DE that Cambridge, home of the lightless
pavement riding bicycle is the worst town for lethal traffic accidents.
These are not legal. Neither is cycling the wrong way down a one way
street or lurching off the pavement in front of a car. Or going round a
roundabout the wrong way.
I would say only one in three cambridge cyclists are fit to be allowed
on the public roads when they decide that the pavement isn't where they
want to be..
Lots of additional spittle-flecked stuff that you weren't talking about
in your original rant about law abiding cyclists.
Same old.
You are becoming a total fucking bore with your pathetic juvenile insults
whenever you cant make a rational case.
Simon Mason of uk.rec.cycling; champion bridge jumper-offer.
You've probably done the best thing.
My life is immeasurably improved.
No Apple devices were knowingly used in the preparation of this post.
S Mason
2023-10-03 09:10:41 UTC
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by JNugent
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by charles
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists"
just cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old,
too fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk
or to cycle can get a taxi or use the fantastic, efficient,
reasonably priced public transport that the wonderful
Conservative party had the foresight to deregulate and
privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off my bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after that. 
Too many motorist who don't give adequate room when passing.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down 
the center. They patently have no idea how to control a
bicycle accurately enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap
either side and more if they can arrange it, but of course
they never took a test, have no insurance , and these days
have effective immunity under the Law. Their very saddles
stink with the odour of sanctity of their non carbon emittiung
I hope you've got some sort of spittle guard on that keyboard of yours.
No spittle. Just *facts*. You know the things that cause you to
have a panic attack and cover your ears.
And leap in to mount an *emotional* attack on the people who
divulge them to you.
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the arse.
Oh dear, more emotional fact free responses.
Darling boy, I made my career as a practising engineer. No a BBC newscaster.
Machines respond to facts.
Not to idle opinions.
I cant make my car do another ten miles by promising it that I
will fill up at the next fuel station.
If my designs are not cosnsistent with the facts, they dont work.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down  the
That is an actual fact.
    They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle
    accurately enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either
    side and more if they
can arrange it,
That is also a fact. They are the most selfish road users ever.
They have been told how scared they must be of cars but how they
can prosecute a driver who doesn't leave a meter gap, which means
they can render themselves impossible to overtake, and they do.
one mile tailbacks
but of course they never took a test,
Is a fact.
    have no insurance ,
is a fact.
    and these days have effective immunity under the Law.
is a fact.
    Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of
    their non carbon emitting bicycles.
Poetic license
All perfectly legal. I thought you lot liked law and order, or is
that only when it suits YOU?
Legality does not necessarily equate with good practice.
I see a report in the comic DE that Cambridge, home of the lightless
pavement riding bicycle is the worst town for lethal traffic accidents.
These are not legal. Neither is cycling the wrong way down a one way
street or lurching off the pavement in front of a car. Or going
round a roundabout the wrong way.
I would say only one in three cambridge cyclists are fit to be
allowed on the public roads when they decide that the pavement isn't
where they want to be..
Lots of additional spittle-flecked stuff that you weren't talking
about in your original rant about law abiding cyclists.
Same old.
You are becoming a total fucking bore with your pathetic juvenile
insults whenever you cant make a rational case.
Simon Mason of uk.rec.cycling; champion bridge jumper-offer.
You've probably done the best thing.
My life is immeasurably improved.
TBF, It couldn't have got much sadder, could it.
2023-10-12 02:02:29 UTC
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by S Mason
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by charles
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists"
just cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old, too
fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or to cycle
can get a taxi or use the fantastic, efficient, reasonably priced
public transport that the wonderful Conservative party had the
foresight to deregulate and privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off my bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after that. Too many
motorist who don't give adequate room when passing.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the
center. They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle accurately
enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side and more if they
can arrange it, but of course they never took a test, have no
insurance , and these days have effective immunity under the Law.
Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of their non
carbon emittiung bicycles.
I hope you've got some sort of spittle guard on that keyboard of yours.
No spittle. Just *facts*. You know the things that cause you to have a
panic attack and cover your ears.
And leap in to mount an *emotional* attack on the people who divulge
them to you.
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the arse.

What about the fact that you drove an unroadworthy car halfway across a
continent because you were too tight-fisted to get it repaired and made

And then boasted about it.

Or even better, the fact that you boasted about binge-drinking
home-brew... get this... in a pit in the floor of your garage?
Julian Macassey
2023-10-01 10:09:35 UTC
On Sat, 30 Sep 2023 15:12:23 -0000 (UTC), S Mason
<***@invalid.invalid> wrote:

What has this drivel got to do with uk.radio.amateur?
The NHS will last as long as there are folk left with faith to
fight for it. - Aneurin Bevan
David Wade
2023-10-01 10:26:00 UTC
Post by Julian Macassey
On Sat, 30 Sep 2023 15:12:23 -0000 (UTC), S Mason
What has this drivel got to do with uk.radio.amateur?
Nothing which is why the moderated group was created, but no one wants
to use it, so we are stuck with all the plonkers....
2023-10-01 11:28:44 UTC
On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 11:26:00 +0100
Post by David Wade
Post by Julian Macassey
On Sat, 30 Sep 2023 15:12:23 -0000 (UTC), S Mason
What has this drivel got to do with uk.radio.amateur?
Nothing which is why the moderated group was created, but no one
wants to use it, so we are stuck with all the plonkers....
I thought the moderated group was created purely to spite Burt? LVN's
had a go at livening it up.
Brian Morrison
2023-10-01 17:33:06 UTC
On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 12:28:44 +0100
Post by Bernie
Post by David Wade
Nothing which is why the moderated group was created, but no one
wants to use it, so we are stuck with all the plonkers....
I thought the moderated group was created purely to spite Burt?
Of course, although he seems singularly unconcerned about it.
Brian Morrison

"I am not young enough to know everything"
Oscar Wilde
2023-10-01 19:21:39 UTC
On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 18:33:06 +0100
Post by Brian Morrison
On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 12:28:44 +0100
Post by Bernie
Post by David Wade
Nothing which is why the moderated group was created, but no one
wants to use it, so we are stuck with all the plonkers....
I thought the moderated group was created purely to spite Burt?
Of course, although he seems singularly unconcerned about it.
Yeah, fair play to Burt. He campaigned against it for a few years, wrote
reports about it for more than a year after its creation, and then he
was over it in a flash. Like you say, totally unruffled.
Julian Macassey
2023-10-01 11:30:27 UTC
Post by David Wade
Post by Julian Macassey
On Sat, 30 Sep 2023 15:12:23 -0000 (UTC), S Mason
What has this drivel got to do with uk.radio.amateur?
Nothing which is why the moderated group was created, but no one wants
to use it, so we are stuck with all the plonkers....
It's easy enough to create killfiles and delete

Rather that than blue nosed moderators.
The NHS will last as long as there are folk left with faith to
fight for it. - Aneurin Bevan
2023-10-01 11:48:33 UTC
On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 11:30:27 -0000 (UTC)
Post by Julian Macassey
Post by David Wade
Post by Julian Macassey
On Sat, 30 Sep 2023 15:12:23 -0000 (UTC), S Mason
What has this drivel got to do with uk.radio.amateur?
Nothing which is why the moderated group was created, but no one
wants to use it, so we are stuck with all the plonkers....
It's easy enough to create killfiles and delete
Rather that than blue nosed moderators.
Roger's got a blue nose? That doesn't sit well with his politics.
2023-10-01 15:28:38 UTC
Post by Bernie
On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 11:30:27 -0000 (UTC)
Post by Julian Macassey
Post by David Wade
Post by Julian Macassey
On Sat, 30 Sep 2023 15:12:23 -0000 (UTC), S Mason
What has this drivel got to do with uk.radio.amateur?
Nothing which is why the moderated group was created, but no one
wants to use it, so we are stuck with all the plonkers....
It's easy enough to create killfiles and delete
Rather that than blue nosed moderators.
Roger's got a blue nose? That doesn't sit well with his politics.
Maybe a Rangers Supporer ?

Brian Howie
Roger Hayter
2023-10-01 19:07:26 UTC
Post by brian
Post by Bernie
On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 11:30:27 -0000 (UTC)
Post by Julian Macassey
Post by David Wade
Post by Julian Macassey
On Sat, 30 Sep 2023 15:12:23 -0000 (UTC), S Mason
What has this drivel got to do with uk.radio.amateur?
Nothing which is why the moderated group was created, but no one
wants to use it, so we are stuck with all the plonkers....
It's easy enough to create killfiles and delete
Rather that than blue nosed moderators.
Roger's got a blue nose? That doesn't sit well with his politics.
Maybe a Rangers Supporer ?
That's going a bit far. There's insults and unforgiveable insults.
Roger Hayter
2023-10-01 19:30:14 UTC
On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 16:28:38 +0100
Post by brian
Post by Bernie
On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 11:30:27 -0000 (UTC)
Post by Julian Macassey
Post by David Wade
Post by Julian Macassey
On Sat, 30 Sep 2023 15:12:23 -0000 (UTC), S Mason
What has this drivel got to do with uk.radio.amateur?
Nothing which is why the moderated group was created, but no
one wants to use it, so we are stuck with all the plonkers....
It's easy enough to create killfiles and delete
Rather that than blue nosed moderators.
Roger's got a blue nose? That doesn't sit well with his politics.
Maybe a Rangers Supporer ?
Do you reckon that Roger will be played by Mel Gibson in the film
2023-10-01 15:30:33 UTC
Post by Julian Macassey
Post by David Wade
Post by Julian Macassey
On Sat, 30 Sep 2023 15:12:23 -0000 (UTC), S Mason
What has this drivel got to do with uk.radio.amateur?
Nothing which is why the moderated group was created, but no one wants
to use it, so we are stuck with all the plonkers....
It's easy enough to create killfiles and delete
Rather that than blue nosed moderators.
I've always found the uram moderation team to be fair and helpful ,and
true gentlemen.

Brian Howie
2023-10-01 19:47:35 UTC
On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 16:30:33 +0100
Post by brian
Post by Julian Macassey
Post by David Wade
Post by Julian Macassey
On Sat, 30 Sep 2023 15:12:23 -0000 (UTC), S Mason
What has this drivel got to do with uk.radio.amateur?
Nothing which is why the moderated group was created, but no one
wants to use it, so we are stuck with all the plonkers....
It's easy enough to create killfiles and delete
Rather that than blue nosed moderators.
I've always found the uram moderation team to be fair and
helpful ,and true gentlemen.
<informal question>

Where did Andy's firefox post come from? When I see it here, it seems
to start in the middle of a thread.
2023-10-01 20:38:34 UTC
Post by Bernie
On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 16:30:33 +0100
Post by brian
Post by Julian Macassey
Post by David Wade
Post by Julian Macassey
On Sat, 30 Sep 2023 15:12:23 -0000 (UTC), S Mason
What has this drivel got to do with uk.radio.amateur?
Nothing which is why the moderated group was created, but no one
wants to use it, so we are stuck with all the plonkers....
It's easy enough to create killfiles and delete
Rather that than blue nosed moderators.
I've always found the uram moderation team to be fair and
helpful ,and true gentlemen.
<informal question>
Where did Andy's firefox post come from? When I see it here, it seems
to start in the middle of a thread.
I've no idea. It puzzled me too.

It looked like x-post that went wrong. I might check the logs .

Andy FMF might know what he was replying to.

There seems to have been a bit of spam in the last few weeks that have
been automatically suppressed. Ulm seem to have to do that manually.

e.g "Seat Cushion"
<uvcyfds at .. rma.jambyl.su> Sitting For Long Hours is the Worst.

Definitely targeting the right audience.

Brian Howie
2023-10-04 06:15:51 UTC
Post by brian
Post by Bernie
On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 16:30:33 +0100
Post by brian
Post by Julian Macassey
On Sat, 30 Sep 2023 15:12:23 -0000 (UTC), S Mason
     What has this drivel got to do with uk.radio.amateur?
   Nothing which is why the moderated group was created, but no one
wants to use it, so we are stuck with all the plonkers....
       It's easy enough to create killfiles and delete
       Rather that than blue nosed moderators.
I've always found the uram moderation team to be fair and
helpful ,and true gentlemen.
<informal question>
Where did Andy's firefox post come from? When I see it here, it seems
to start in the middle of a thread.
I've no idea. It puzzled me too.
It looked  like x-post that went wrong.  I might check the logs .
Andy FMF might know what he was replying to.
There seems to have been a bit of spam in the last few weeks that have
been automatically suppressed. Ulm seem to have to do that manually.
e.g "Seat Cushion"
<uvcyfds at .. rma.jambyl.su>   Sitting For Long Hours is the Worst.
Definitely targeting the right audience.
I was surprised that it turned up as it was a uk.d-i-y reply, I didn't
notice any other groups on the list. Looking at what was sent it was
only sent to uk.d-i-y so I don't know why there was a cross-post.
A. non Eyemouse
2023-10-04 22:15:27 UTC
Post by mm0fmf
Post by brian
Post by Bernie
On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 16:30:33 +0100
Post by brian
Post by Julian Macassey
On Sat, 30 Sep 2023 15:12:23 -0000 (UTC), S Mason
     What has this drivel got to do with uk.radio.amateur?
   Nothing which is why the moderated group was created, but no one
wants to use it, so we are stuck with all the plonkers....
       It's easy enough to create killfiles and delete
       Rather that than blue nosed moderators.
I've always found the uram moderation team to be fair and
helpful ,and true gentlemen.
<informal question>
Where did Andy's firefox post come from? When I see it here, it seems
to start in the middle of a thread.
I've no idea. It puzzled me too.
It looked  like x-post that went wrong.  I might check the logs .
Andy FMF might know what he was replying to.
There seems to have been a bit of spam in the last few weeks that have
been automatically suppressed. Ulm seem to have to do that manually.
e.g "Seat Cushion"
<uvcyfds at .. rma.jambyl.su>   Sitting For Long Hours is the Worst.
Definitely targeting the right audience.
What next, preparation H?
Post by mm0fmf
I was surprised that it turned up as it was a uk.d-i-y reply, I didn't
notice any other groups on the list. Looking at what was sent it was
only sent to uk.d-i-y so I don't know why there was a cross-post.
The original shitpost <hBURM.181840$***@usenetxs.com> appears to
have been sent to uk.d-i-y and uk.r.a. Perhaps it was pre-empting the
PM's speech at the Conservative conference today.
Where Morse meets House.
Brian Morrison
2023-10-01 17:33:40 UTC
On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 11:30:27 -0000 (UTC)
Post by Julian Macassey
Post by David Wade
Post by Julian Macassey
On Sat, 30 Sep 2023 15:12:23 -0000 (UTC), S Mason
What has this drivel got to do with uk.radio.amateur?
Nothing which is why the moderated group was created, but no one
wants to use it, so we are stuck with all the plonkers....
It's easy enough to create killfiles and delete
Rather that than blue nosed moderators.
Quite. But some find that too irksome.
Brian Morrison

"I am not young enough to know everything"
Oscar Wilde
2023-10-12 01:58:07 UTC
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by charles
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists"
just cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old, too
fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or to cycle
can get a taxi or use the fantastic, efficient, reasonably priced
public transport that the wonderful Conservative party had the
foresight to deregulate and privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
I used to cycle for local journeys but I was knocked off my bike -
receiving a badly broken arm - I lost my nerve after that. Too many
motorist who don't give adequate room when passing.
On the roads rind here the LycraLouts™ insist on riding down the
center. They patently have no idea how to control a bicycle accurately
enough with anything less than a 1,5m gap either side and more if they
can arrange it, but of course they never took a test, have no insurance
, and these days have effective immunity under the Law.
Their very saddles stink with the odour of sanctity of their non carbon
emittiung bicycles.
I hope you've got some sort of spittle guard on that keyboard of yours...
...says May Sun, a laughing stock over on uk.r.c
2023-09-30 23:35:22 UTC
On Sat, 30 Sep 2023 12:34:21 GMT, Radio Man
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists" just
cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old, too fucked, too
fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or to cycle can get a taxi or
use the fantastic, efficient, reasonably priced public transport that the
wonderful Conservative party had the foresight to deregulate and
privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
""too old, too fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves""
sounds like a self parody there Mr Reay !
Radio Man
2023-10-01 06:01:05 UTC
Post by Rambo
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists" just
cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old, too fucked, too
fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or to cycle can get a taxi
or use the fantastic, efficient, reasonably priced public transport that
the wonderful Conservative party had the foresight to deregulate and
privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
""too old, too fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves""
sounds like a self parody there Mr Reay !
Pissed again, Dumbo Dick?
2023-10-02 21:07:49 UTC
On Sun, 01 Oct 2023 06:01:05 GMT, Radio Man
Post by Radio Man
Post by Rambo
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists" just
cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old, too fucked, too
fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or to cycle can get a taxi
or use the fantastic, efficient, reasonably priced public transport that
the wonderful Conservative party had the foresight to deregulate and
privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
""too old, too fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves""
sounds like a self parody there Mr Reay !
Pissed again, Dumbo Dick?
You need some fresh insults Mr Reay.
Radio Man
2023-10-02 22:42:07 UTC
Post by Rambo
Post by Radio Man
Post by Rambo
On Sat, 30 Sep 2023 12:34:21 GMT, Radio Man
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists"
just cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old, too
fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or to cycle
can get a taxi or use the fantastic, efficient, reasonably priced
public transport that the wonderful Conservative party had the
foresight to deregulate and privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!
""too old, too fucked, too fat, too idle, or too up themselves""
sounds like a self parody there Mr Reay !
Pissed again, Dumbo Dick?
You need some fresh insults Mr Reay.
You need a brain transplant, Mr Dumbo.
Brian Gaff
2023-10-01 16:37:05 UTC
Ho ho, are you really a troll or just playing one, or maybe traininng?

I think it has become a very good revenue stream to catch people parking or
going over the speed limit since the Government have starved local
authorities of funding for many years now, and its not all going to be
fundable out of council tax or business rates.
I do't care which government gets in, in the end running a national debt if
interest rates rise is unsustainable and running a council without the help
from central taxation is also unsustainable. Its a bit like everyone has
painted themselves into a corner. If you have to rely on taxis and busses
and trains as a blind person, you soon find out how cheap owning a car will
This newsgroup posting comes to you directly from...
The Sofa of Brian Gaff...
Blind user, so no pictures please
Note this Signature is meaningless.!
Post by Radio Man
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Why don't "The Motorists" just
cycle or walk instead? The "Motorists" who are too old, too fucked, too
fat, too idle, or too up themselves to walk or to cycle can get a taxi or
use the fantastic, efficient, reasonably priced public transport that the
wonderful Conservative party had the foresight to deregulate and
privatise for them.
Grow Up, Motorists!